HELP! RO ph is 5.9


New Member
I have a purple clone in its second week flowering. It is a very small plant and is in a 1 gallon pot. when i turned on my lights i saw my lady looking a little sad. The newer growth is curling down and curling on the sides. I decided to check my feeding water to check make sure the ph was right. it was 7.1 woops so i dcide to flush and flush with 6.6 water and am getting a RO of 5.9 How is this possible? I flushed with 2.5 gallons and the RO still has not gone up at all. Used Fox Farms Grow big only so far and not even full strength.


New Member
I have only had it for about 2 months and they guy calibrated it for me when i got it. And I know the ph of my bathroom sink water is always 8.1 so i use that to make sure its still calibrated.


Active Member
Ph buffering is your friend with soil. I use a special homemade soil blend, chalk full of perlite, humus and some dolomite. With these, in right proportions, you can keep a rather stable ph in your soil, even after the acidic affects of nutrients and composts. I take it RO= run off? (RO is traditionally used for Reverse Osmosis is why I ask). You might want to add more dolomite to your mix to make the soil slightly more alkaline going forward if you are getting runoff at 6.6.

To fix your problem, I would recommend a light (and well mixed) application of sodium carbonate (soda ash) to your water to raise the ph slightly. A little of this goes a long way, but its very effective and harmless is small doses. Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) can also be used if you are in a pinch, but it is not as efficient.

Flushing should be reserved for the extreme cases of imbalance or issues. 7.1 is not extreme for soil.