HELP!!! Ripped the tip of one leaf off on accident!

Not to be a dick but really you must lack some common sense. These plants grow in the wild, they've done that for thousands of years, and believe it or not shit like this happens in the wild all the time. Now if it was just a simple question of will this have negative results I could understand, but your thread title is Capped, and uses !!!. Both of which make it seem urgent.
hahah thanks for all the comments guys. im going to go with my baby will be ok. im going to go out tomorrow and get smurf repellent. fucking bastards.
good luck gettin rid of those smurfs gargamel has been tryin for luck and it was prob jokey smurf that did it . not funny jokey


  • gargamel.gif
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Try using Nite Nite Spider Mite with A shot of whiskey - i find it a rather good smurf repellent. Only thing is dont mix it in with ur feed or ur plants will get drunk and taken advantage of, n next time those smurfs come a knocking ur plants are guna b a rocking.. N that is a very bad mix breed plant u will have there my friend.
haha well thanks but on a serious note. my plant is very droopy. now. i dont know why. but it was very cold back there last night cause of the wind. it got down to probably 40 F.. would that cause my plant to be drooping?
i know that land of zion. but thanks. my baby has perked up. and looks to be doing fine. ill have pictures of her up tomorrow on my CFL thread.l thanks alot for the help.
you know what karma just bit me in the ass i just broke off one of my leafs fingers and ripped a leaf from another plant FUCK!!!!
yeah i was installing a new hps fixture and all my fluorescent lights came collapsing down.

exact same type of tear. i was prolly more upset about it than the plant was, its just acting like it wadnt nottin