Help!! Problems with pictures


Active Member
I have some problems with my plants, at first the leaves were cupping and i went to the huydro shop and showed the guys the pics, they said it was over fert, so i flushed with florakeeln and another flushing product, ph of the water i feed it is 6.5 or lower and the ph that comes out of the water that runs through is basically the same.

Now they're looking a little better but still appear to have some problems, i have transplanted them from their 3 gal pots to 5 gal pots with FFOF and have only been feeding regular water with a ppm of less than 50

is this a deficiency or are they still over ferted? I flushed them pretty good and they did look a wholllleee lot better after i flushed and the one that was really cupping the fan leaves stopped almost completely cupping them, room temp is 77-80 with co2 supplimented

HELP!!1 im out of ideas :(



Active Member
keep your ph around 5.5 6.0 looks like over fert, but idk yet, do you use nutes?

Never used anymore than 500 -600 ppm 3-1-3 advance nutrient iguana juice. I just transfered from a 3 gal to 5 gal a day ago. Havent used any nutes after i flushed, just plain water with less than 50-60ppm.


Well-Known Member
It could be a leaf blight fungus. Lots of that shit around here. I lost a crop to it earlier this year. Its usually not as bad as it was this year so mot many people know about it. I would start fungicide treatment. I alternate between Serenade and Daconil every three to seven days as a foilar drench. Can be started the day seeds emerge. Plants dont mind it at all. A 1% solute of h2o2 will also work. I also recommend watering with 1-2 ml of 35% food grade h2o2 per gallon to ensure a fungus/bacteria free medium, plus it adds oxygen. The fungus is airborne, and waterborne, and can lay in your carpet dormant for years before it makes it to a plant.
even if it lands on the plant, it needs water, or high humidity (over 50%, the higher over that, the more likely inoculation will occur) to take hold. Never foilar feed, just dont do it, its pointless and its the easiest way to inoculate your whole crop at once.