Help ppl! Can I Save Her?


Well-Known Member
i just used my bank card, im not really sweating it, it shows up as a gift company anyways, im not sure if they take paypal or anything like that either.
You could always just grow a few, take the best female and use her as a mother, grow the rest, and cut clones off the other and keep growing that way


Well-Known Member
What country you in? I would rather european seeds than american seeds but would buy american seeds if i lived closer but i live in europe so only recomend european companies.


Well-Known Member
go with Attitude, ive tried both, both shipments arrived, but nirvana took almost a week longer to get here. I live in the states as well


Active Member
the first pics (the plant im trying to bring back to life) it looks like a few leaves are as if i had folded them. what is this frm? the other pics are from my other five plants i just planted. i want to no when should i start adding nutes? one of the seedlings leaves are starting to look a little like paper, what is this from?? thanks ppl. hope u guys can help2011-07-19 17.49.31.jpg2011-07-19 17.49.25.jpg2011-07-19 17.49.45.jpg2011-07-19 17.50.17.jpg2011-07-19 17.49.51.jpg


Well-Known Member
Before i answer anything, what soil are the last 3 pics in? Seedling soil, all purpose, brand and make?


Well-Known Member
Dirt from outside! Indoors! Anyway probably need ferts, ppm400 for the seedling then go from there, i wouldnt have a clue in outdoor dirt other than that, transplant when roots establish in the soil, you may wana get them into the ffof quicker.


Active Member
The plant is doing much better. When should I start seeing preflowers? One other question. I got for five more seedlings in small cups, how would I no wen its time to transplant?


Well-Known Member
might see preflowers around 4-6 weeks in veg, but ull know for sure like a week after you switch 12/12
EDIT: leaf cupping could be from heat, lack of humidity, or air flow


Active Member
.Its starting to show signs of preflowers. It doesn't look like it has balls, nor a single white hair. I going to post a pic so u guys can take a look


Active Member
I really can't get a good shot with my camera or phone. H shaped like a female but without the hair. I'm hoping it's a female