HELP! Powdery mildew on leaves week 7 of flowering


Hey guys im really sketched out right now my buds are looking great but now im finding little patches of white powdery mildew on my fan leaves. Im really worried about this what can I do to save my buds? If i leave the infection untreated and harvest in 14 days will the buds be negatively affected? Is smoking bud with mildew very bad for you?


Well-Known Member
Would try n clean leaves, or chop em?? you growing in Soil? how does the Soil look if you are? any patches of white/Grey on the surface??

What Temps/Humidity levels have you got in Grow Room?



I am growing outdoor on my balcony in soil. I don' see any patches on the surface. I am not sure of the humidity but I live in southern california about 2 miles from the ocean and it has been about 65-70 degrees for the past few weeks. I just sprayed the plant down with baking soda and water. The mildew was pretty rampant on the lower branches but I could see it on some of the top buds. I'm not sure if this will kill the mold. I guess I could chop the buds early but im not sure if they're safe to smoke? they really need 2-3 more weeks to be fully done. Im pretty disappointed


Well-Known Member
It might suppress the pm if you stay on top of it, but it will definitely not kill it. pm is not good for you to smoke. the only realy effective treatment i know of is myclobutanil, but you don't want to use that in flower. personaly this late in flower i would toss it or make bho with it. you want to make sure you sterilize your grow area after you chop and i would strongly recommend using a systemic fungicide on clones if you grow them in the same location as the area is now infected. hth and gl


I picked up some stuff called pm wash. Hydro store said I could use it up until harvest. I'm gonna give it a go tomorrow when its hot out. Thanks


this is kind of weird i noticed that when i sprayed the plant with the baking soda and a little bit of milk, the trichromes turned a really dark brown color. like it looks like i aged my plant a week before and after using the mixture. Any ideas if this browning of the triches is normal or bad?


Well-Known Member
you got the pm wash, that should deal with the pm that's on the surface of the leaves (pm is a systemic fungal infection). personally, i would not smoke infected plants, it's definately bad for you. making a solvent based extract is probably ok (iso,bho...). A bigger issue is, now that your grow area has plant aids, how do you prevent it from infecting every grow you do in the future.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
this is kind of weird i noticed that when i sprayed the plant with the baking soda and a little bit of milk, the trichromes turned a really dark brown color. like it looks like i aged my plant a week before and after using the mixture. Any ideas if this browning of the triches is normal or bad?
WOW...I only spray my plants with water. Sometimes straight from the res. These spores must be eminating from a source of decaying matter is the only thing I can think of. This is why I stay clear of composted soils and organic co2. Maybe you can explain why you decided to bathe your plant(s) with baking soda and milk.


lol i dunno I looked up powdery mildew and these were two remedies I heard of on this site and others. I don't know much but I've spent a lot of time with the plant and don't really want to see it die by the hands of PM. If it doesn't work fuck it but at least i tried.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Seeing how your on the balcony, most likely in pot(s), I'd clean the plant thouroghly from the top to some brand new heat treated soil. I'd cut off any toasted growth etc. That would be an honest effort imo.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
If you plan to use an anti-PM spray be sure to spray the stalk because the plant needs the outer skin of the stalk to maintain growth.