Help!!!!! PLZZZ

My 3 week old plant was forced into 12 hours of darkness. I took a look at her today and the tops are yellowing in the middle typical of a flowering plant. What should i do? go back to the usual 24/0 or continue into flowering? Thanks in advance!!!
Got any pics, how long were they in 12?

First though, Id put em back two 16hrs for a few days, 2-3 then 18 and leave em there. water with some B, they should be ok.

Reverse Advice then, Good luck


Well-Known Member
Just go back to the normal lighting...doesn't matter...a plant won't switch because of one day...


Well-Known Member
And they will be ok whether you gradually step it back up or not...won't make a bit of difference...
Thanx guys from what I gather It'll be best to throw them right back into 24/0. I've done that and after about nine hours the plant went from "praying" leaves pointed towards the sky and having yellow coloring towards the center of leaves( after 24hr darkness) to the leaves displaying their normal lush green color and looking slightly droopy. PH and PPM reading have been consistent and plant looks otherwise really healthy. :-) Thanx again growers! BTW how do I formally thank indivduals??


Well-Known Member
get back to 18/6 u can re veg flowering plants anyway.....dont worry....imo id steer clear of 24 hr light xcept while germin