help plz!


New Member
I am in some big doo doo with my bf this morning. Last night we had a crisis in our house, the cord for our lights and timer were in the bathroom where we had a flood behind our wall and water pouring out of electrical sockets so not even hesitating, I unplugged everything and immediate replugged our light back into a power bar in the hallway.
Well, the lights didn't turn back on because the timer had reset (stupid me for not double checking the timer, was to busy trying to figure out what breaker to shut off). Well the plants only got about 4.5 MAYBE 5 hours of light last night. I screwed up their entire schedule.
Now, I'm in a panic because I don't want them to turn hermi and my bf is freaking out because he wont be here to check on anything tonight so its up to me and I have no idea what to look for.
Could anyone help me? Will they turn hermi with only getting 4.5 hours of light? The light will be turning back on at 8 tonight, is that to long? Should I turn it on sooner? Im freaking out. Please help
no, they r strictly indoor in a big 5x5x6 insulated tent. No other light source other than the light in the tent.

it's 100% sealed off from any other light source than what is in the tent