help plz


Active Member
well the soil mix that im using has an extremly low ph like 4 and i was wondering what can i do to raise the ph of the soil with the plants already planted and in buckets.


Well-Known Member
Ok, you need to get some ph UP, and a ph tester to test water ph.

Since you say your ph is 4, you need to go up 3, to get to the ideal ph of 7, yes? Fill a watering can with three gallons of water (water that's ok to water your plants, you know?), and test the water's ph. If the water's ph is 7, then it's ok. But if the water's ph is less than 7, then you need to bring the water's ph up to 7 before you can bring the soils up.

So say your water's ph was 6. So now, instead of just needing 3 ph up, you need to go 4 (3 to get the soil up and 1 to get the water up). In general, 0.5 ml of ph up (or ph down) will move the solution up (or down) by 0.1 ph per three gallons of mixture.

Since you need to go up by 4, 4 divided by 0.1 is 40, 40 x .5= 20. Meaning you need 20 ml of ph up.

So, BASICALLY. Buy some ph up, mix 20 ml of ph up with 3 gallons of water. Water your plants with it, and then check your ph again in a day or two. That's really all you need to know. The rest, all the explaination above, is from the Cannabis Grow Bible, I just figured I'd give you the info and formula for future reference.