help plz what's wrong with my lady

Jenny miles

quit over analyzing you stoners!!!!

look at the surface of the medium. dry as a bone. doesnt look overwatered and looks damn healthy to me
Top of medium was bone dry.... I water every 3 days 1/4 strength nutes per gallon of purified stays a little moist ....maybe i need perlite mixed in help with airing it out ...maybe n ovrrdose?'s worse today should i flush well let it dry out .....

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
It looks like it's sitting on the edge of OD but not quite. If handled properly this will not decrease the final result. If you feel compelled to feed everytime you water cut the mix to 1/6 of what's recommended for outside.


Well-Known Member
no but use straight water every other or every third watering. looks good.
While this is not a flush (for newer growers) it does release nutrients you have already fed but that no roots have touched. Nutes left behind as water was taken up and stranded them etc. Do this to save money on nutes, to prevent nute burn and to help reduce the need for a "flush". I've watched plants grow in a DWC while I watched it seemed. I have never seen a single plant flush itself. Just hold the nutes the last 2 weeks. Instead add MH to your HPS to increase THC and tighten up the buds the last 2 weeks and just give water. They will not starve..