Help plz , plant not growing


Well-Known Member
these 3 plants were started at the same time and this little guy wont budge :confused:

train wreck is pic 1
cheese is pic 2
lemon skunk is pic 3 and 4 this is the plant that wont do anything plz help me out for im not sure what to do, the other 2 seem fine
thx in advance :leaf:



Well-Known Member
temps are between 78-80f
humidity is 40%
there under a 400 MH
plenty of of air circulation and ventilation
soil and water are 6.9 ph


Well-Known Member
Sometimes its just that way. What soil mixture is that?
im using all mix with bat guano i was using tap water but the ph was a little high, and i just started using filtered mineral water and 2 mil of root juice per liter

the plant looks a wee bit better then before maybe its just a slow started time will tell


Well-Known Member
I dont use it but I know alot of ppl use superthrive. I use something called super plant tonic from Blue Mountain Organics (on ebay). Its a root innoculant that really really stimulates growth during the seedling and veg stage. I use it on all my house plants and trees too. You have to use unchlorinated water with that stuff. Chlorine kills the micro beasties that are the reason you are using it in the first place.