help please


New Member
One of my weed plants is a little droopy on one side??? I grow under 2 26watt (equivilent to 100) and I have a stationary fan on my grow is 18/6 help


New Member
But its 6 days old and the 2 leaves that come after sprouting well one side is like leaning while the other is straight


Well-Known Member
What browser are you using? I can't post pics with Chrome, but can one at a time with Firefox.


Well-Known Member
i can't with chrome unless i use the basic uploader which only does one at a time


Well-Known Member
No worries. Take another pic, and rotate the cup so the first true leaves (not the round embryo leaves) are facing the camera.

Looks like the tips are showing signs of nute burn - what are you feeding them? Exactly what soil are you using?


Well-Known Member
Stop watering untill the cup drys out. Get it closer to the light and then leave it alone. Most people kill with way to much care. It doesn't need to be fed at all and it only needs to be watered when the dirt dries


Well-Known Member
Pic is a touch out of focus, so as long as the edges of the true leaves aren't turning brown, it looks ok.

No nutes until a few nodes have been pushed out. I don't see any perlite in your soil, which is a must for better drainage and airflow.


New Member
Okay thanks and I haven't added nutes at all but the plant is getting like darker on the edges like not to to dark but a slight little black