Help please


Yeah a lot of good growers use cfl on their seedlings and change over to HPS when they transplant, so you on the right track, 1 inch may be a bit close, you might burn the leaves, so keep an eye on it.

Check this thread out for a good idea on how it should be.... Hold on, need to find them. go back a few pages to find the pic's also go back a few pages to find the pics

Also, don't be shy to ask questions on these threads, these guys are cool, they like helping people.


Your quick fix will work for now, the plant will grow, so nicely done. Don't overwater, they don't need a lot of water, and don't feed it nutes either, and don't mess around with it, just leave it alone as much as you can, it's hard I know.

Do you know how to check when to water again?


You need to establish a light cycle first, so most growers like me use a 18/6 cycle, 18 hours of lights on 6 hours of lights off in a dark closed off space, don't open if you can help it during the lights off cycle. If you know this already then ignore it, ooops too late, lol.

As for watering, if you gently push you finger down in the soil near the stem, say about 1/2 inch and it's dry then water it, don't give it too much, if the leaves droop, you over watering and then you need to let it dry out.

Phew, that was a lot of typing, I am tired now, hehe.

PS You should maybe look at getting one 80-85w CFL, not sure if it will fit, they pretty big, let me show you....

globe 3.jpg

85w on the left, 18w on the right.


That prob won't fit. But I will have about 140 wats of cfl'a one all my bulbs come and I've fixed them up properly, I may move it to a bigger box once I find one just hoping what I've got ATM works for now.

Ps it is on 18/6 ATM with my timer so it's on it's light cycle. I'm worried now that it's too close to the light and I can't check it for 9 hours. Fingers crossed


thought i would post an update, seems to be growing ok, not sure tho ha, when do i start to give it nutes? the soil i used said it was good for the first 3 weeks, think im up to about a week now