Help please


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As you can see it sits in my wardrobe and is not a massive space, having 4 fans i thought would be enough but i had a thought maybe i need to put 2 fans on my wardrobe to maybe suck the warm air back out as i guess its just starying in there -.- maybe i could use cfls instead or and LED ufo thing? also dont laugh at the therm as its only one i had as mine hasnt arrived yet


You should have opted for cfl in such a small grow space, I reckon you going to melt your house down with that, lol. Pretty impressive for a wardrobe set up. I like the thermometer, very retro. You gonna have to keep that cool you really going to run into heat problems, and I am not sure those fans are strong enough, I don't know for certain of course.

EDIT: Are those computer fans?


yeah they are computer fans, i think anyway, i got them off amazon as they had USB plugs so i could run them, with the doors to my wardrobe open the temp has gone down to around 38 degrees after about 30 mins, i originally was going to use cfls but the hydro shop guy said to use this, maybe he didnt know the size of box i was useing or didnt understand when i told him, if i was to replace the hps i have for a large cfl would that be enough light for just 1 plant and would that help with the heat issue im having?

Many thanks for the help


yeah they are computer fans, i think anyway, i got them off amazon as they had USB plugs so i could run them, with the doors to my wardrobe open the temp has gone down to around 38 degrees after about 30 mins, i originally was going to use cfls but the hydro shop guy said to use this, maybe he didnt know the size of box i was useing or didnt understand when i told him, if i was to replace the hps i have for a large cfl would that be enough light for just 1 plant and would that help with the heat issue im having?

Many thanks for the help
Yeah typical salesman, yeah cfl will work fine, you may have to learn about topping and lst, but for your first grow just get the plant to flower. I use 2 x 85watt cfl, they work well, they have there pros and cons, pros for you will be heat and running costs. HPS are by far better but not always practical and they are expensive to run. I dont think those fans have enough power to pass the air along properly, but they might work fine under cfl. The other option is to use a cool tube, a cool tube "seals" the globes in a tube and air is passed though the tube to keep it cool, expansive though. If you can move over to cfl, 100wats or so per plant is the norm from what I have read.


would the cfl be the same fitting as the hps i have atm? would i just be able to swap out the bulbs or would i need a whole differnt hood thing?


New Member
Um depends I'm not sure I have a 125 Watt Cfl and it would fit my hps fixtures but the plugs are different Cfl would just plug into the wall your hps runs to a ballast then to the wall correct?


would the cfl be the same fitting as the hps i have atm? would i just be able to swap out the bulbs or would i need a whole differnt hood thing?
Na, the reflector should be fine to use, you can probably attach 2 globes to that, not sure about the fitting, do you know what type it is? Also what purplekush said is right, cfl's don't penetrate the leaves so well, so you would have to be able to adjust the height of the light and learn how to LST, there are threads here on it pretty simple from what I can see. But first get the plant to grow and then we take it from there, remember seedlings under cfl need to be close to the globe, 4 inches or so if I am not mistaken.

How do you germinate the seeds?


i used some root riot cubes, i have only been doing one at a time but i was a little upset this morning at it dieing again and having to wait several more days i have put 4 differnt seed i bough in, i seem to have that bit down just then i fail, the reflector plugs in to my ballest and then i plug that in the wall, its quite restricted to move the reflector due to the power cord on it being quite thick it would be doable but then again how would i connect more than one bulb to that fitting as it only has a socket for 1 bulb?


Dieting, I just stay fat, too much stress in dieting, lol. If you cant get the reflector to move then you going to have to look at the cool tube option, you can keeps the HPS just add the tube, and don't listen to the salesman too much, tell him what you want, and if he argues send him here we will sort him out. lol.

Cool Tube.

View attachment 2934530


New Member
Okay I thought so. So some how you would have to change the plug on the reflector to plug into the wall for Cfl have there own Ballasts already. And hps Ballasts won't work for cfl
Edit: but the reflector and socket will work for the Cfl just have to modify the plug on the cord.


he did try and sell me one of the cool tubes when i went in but it was way too big to fit inside my box and needs a fan that would be too loud, i was thinking of maybe purchasing and drilling a hole through the top of the box and feeding a socket through it then i could lower it, is a reflector needed due to the whole box being reflective?
You know that is a really good question, the rule of thumb is get as much light as you can, I think it would work without having to adjust but not for seedlings, they will stretch in that environment I reckon. Besdies it's not all that difficult to make the reflector adjustable, cut the sides off a bit and use easy rollers.

That fitting looks awsome, I wish I could get one of those here in my country, might be too big for your environment but I can's be sure. Oh and apologies to the saleman he was on the right track, tell him I say sorry.


hello again, i have swapped out the lighting in my box, i am useing a 4 sockets extention lead with 4 plug ins and 4 13w 6500k cfl bulbs, i have 4 23w 6500k cfl bulbs that are comeing as well as 4 y splitters so i can add more, am i going overkill for just 1 plant, my plant doent look that great either, maybe ive done things i shouldnt have, could i have moved it from the propogater too early? i popped it with a free seed i got when i purchased my ultimate seeds and they both popped at the same time, the free seed i got ended up double the size of my ultimate one and grew a new set of leaves, but my untimate one hasnt yet, i moved it to a pot in soil keeping it within the root riot cube and putting soil for new seedling around it, i dampened it but not too much. i will add a pic of the plant, but i think i may have done this too early and now it wont grow,

any help would be great, also how do i know how much to water it and when to and when to start adding neutrients.


They say you should look at about 100w per plant on cfl, so I reckon it's not overkill. will it all fit in the box? 8 globes? Measure the heat once they all in, just to make sure of that too..

Your plant seems to be stretching, so I would move the light closer, difficult to tell the distance from the pic's angle. The two outside lights may be wasted where they are right now I reckon, you should try get them on the sides of the plant rather. Are those 11w in the pic's?

Next time you want a seedling to grow, use a cup, there are methods all over RIU on how to do this, there are some advantages like the roots and soil will stay in place when you remove the cup making it easier to transplant.


that plant is the smaller of the two, the other one i had was twice as long, ive moved it closer to the light, around 1 inch now, i plan to make the box better but for now i wanted it to grow hence the quick fix with cfls, those are the 13w ones i have some 23 w ones on the way but becasue of christmas im guessing i might not get them till after new year