Help please


Hello all! I'm new to all this! I made a small grow box it's around 80cm tall by about 30 cm wide. I've seen a lot smaller used :) as it only fits in 1 plant I have a 150hps dual spec bulb. I popped a seed in root riot and once it stood up I turned the lights and 1 set of fans. I have 1 small intake fan near the bottom and and output I put near the light. I have 2 others, 1 intake and one output at the back aswell but these were not
Turned on. I left it for 8 hours. Nothing turned off. Fans were still working but seems my little seedling dried out and died in that time. I'll upload some pics of my grow box later but any advice would be helpful. If you need to know anything else let me know.




Miggy, 8 hours seems like too short a time to be under lights, I may be misreading your post though.


I mean I put it under the lights and it was 8 hours before I checked her again
Ahhh, I see. Get pics up of the grow environment if you can, then bump the thread a few times, someone will help you. I will check back in later and see how you getting on.


Well-Known Member
use CFL's while its a seedling imo and make sure your light is like a foot away atleast if its not air cooled. keep fresh air going over it but remember with a fan on a little root riot cube its going to dry out super fast. id probably keep it in its dome untill you had roots and xplanted it


Well-Known Member
Hello all! I'm new to all this! I made a small grow box it's around 80cm tall by about 30 cm wide. I've seen a lot smaller used :) as it only fits in 1 plant I have a 150hps dual spec bulb. I popped a seed in root riot and once it stood up I turned the lights and 1 set of fans. I have 1 small intake fan near the bottom and and output I put near the light. I have 2 others, 1 intake and one output at the back aswell but these were not
Turned on. I left it for 8 hours. Nothing turned off. Fans were still working but seems my little seedling dried out and died in that time. I'll upload some pics of my grow box later but any advice would be helpful. If you need to know anything else let me know.



Sadly I think that you likely cooked your poor seedling. A 12" x 32" box would not allow for heat dissipation from a 150W HID lamp this may have been true even with all of the fans on.


I've ordered a new thermometer as the other one melted when I only had 2 fans at the back. I've left my box and light on so I can check the temps when it arrives. The local hydro shop said I needed more fans so added 2 more. Hopefully it's not been a waste of money and time making this little box :(


Well-Known Member
Look....MH get very hot...
Just last night I noticed a bit of dry leaves under a MH 100 watt lamp...
Pulled out my Laser Thermo and read the temp at lamp---
386 f degrees.... LAMP very hot!!!
then I checked a HPS 100 watt light near by---
232 f degrees....

So the area between the top of plants and the lamp was going to be hotter...
I raised up the fixture a bit... It was super heating, and drying the area...
You will need an outside cold air input...
And a exhaust twice the size of input to exhaust all the area...

Do a dry run for 24 hours with a temp gauge RH meter with a 24 hour memory [8-$10]
That way you wont cook any more seeds....
Never let your canopy get over 29 c.... NEVER!
Good Luck man...


It got that hot the digital output couldn't be seen. I've ordered one with a probe which I think would be better. I'll be able to get a good reading as it's been on all day while I've been at work. Hopefully I can get this sorted as already lost £70 worth in seeds cause they keep dieing :( thanks for the help and comments

Pics will be up later when I get home.


Well-Known Member
Don't buy expensive seeds until you are dialed in with a successful grow under your belt. Lots of ways to kill a plant and you are just getting started!


New Member
Checked there temp in the box with it turned on and everything running and it's 41 degrees c. Is that too hot?
That's 105 degrees f. Way to hot you want around 70-80f you can go about 90f but then you would need higher co2. Do you have any pictures yet?


I've got pics but don't know how to post them on here. I'll log on a comp now and try and work it out. Beginning to think this ain't gonna work