Help please


New Member
I am first time grower got an agent orange in flower stage black dots yellowing dieing leaves that end up falling off and now damn it the leaves are turning up like there getting bit about 1 month and 1 week into flowing I am growing soil with organic food that was recommended to me also have pics on my phone but cant get them on here ANYTHING will help I am desperate


Well-Known Member
The large fan leaves will naturally yellow and fall off during flower, this is part of its natural cycle. The black dots I'm not sure of. Were are they, on the leaves that are yellowing? or all leaves? Need a lot more info such as indoor or out, nutrients your using, ph, ect.


New Member
ok they are only on the sun leaves and with closer inspection it looks like the other smaller leaves are getting eatin by a catipillar like not chunks took out but just on top I am growing in a tent in my house using 600w hps the nutrient pack is called general organics (go box) and it has a schedule I been following from veg to flower to ripen and rinse ? I went up there to check on them and all the leaves on my gs and ao were both all down like there sad 88.9 dg f 35% humidity the gs is having no problems except the sad part and only today IMG_20130826_101520.jpgIMG_20130826_101529.jpgIMG_20130826_101541.jpg


New Member
please be patient as I only have 1 hand cuz I broke my good hand had surgery 2 weeks ago so im slow right now