Help please!


Well-Known Member
Here are a few pictures of my leafs on my plants and idk what is going on with my babies but most of the tops were burnt almost completely off. I suspect it's from ecosmart big killer please someone help



Well-Known Member
That's not from the bug spray man, it's from the bugs.
Check your soil real good, check the undersides of the leafs, and close to the main stalk.
Look with your loupe or mag. glass if you have to.
Not just black bugs, they may be white, yellow or green too.
BTWm those leaves are startingg to taco a bit, and your soil looks dry.
How hot are you there when the sun is at it's hottest?


Well-Known Member
I watered last night and I think there tacoing cuz I fed them with there first dose of veg nutrients and it was a little strong. And I have been looking and on the leafs every day and don't notice any bugs I see a few aphids every once in a while but this all started to happen like the very next day after using this bug spray and I don't think bugs can burn the tops like it did. It's in like 80 hottest prolly but it's normally cooler then that. So can you say 100% sure it's bugs? Cuz I don't think it is but I could be wrong cuz I see small spots on the plants and its normal but these leads are shriveled and shit.


I don't know a lot about feeding your plants with veg nutrients but I've definitely had problem with bugs such as aphids and thrips. It looks normal to me after you sprayed your plants to kill the bugs. If you didn't know, spray your babies after the lights shut off. I have had the same look on my plants when I sprayed them for aphids.

But on the last pic on the bottom that picture - that leaf could seem like a nutrient burn but can't tell because of the bad quality/zoom of the camera. Besides that your plant looks great to me! : )

(correct me if i'm wrong, im a newbie)

Good luck!