help please


This is my first grow and i grew from seeds. I have now idea what the strain is. I was hoping i would be able to tell but need some help. I will tell you everything i can. From seed veg for 5 weeks on T5 then flipped to Hps they have been flowering for 5 1/2weeks. Foxfarm soil, tecnaflora nutes. 032.jpg020.jpg


Well-Known Member
It is nearly impossible to tell what strain it is unless it has REAL unique qualities about it


Well-Known Member
lookin like some good cares the strain, call it master kush, and if its good enough...i'd believe it ;-)


Legal Moderator, Esq.
That is G13 labs Northern Lights x Skunk

(prove me wrong :finger: :lol:)

No one is every going to be able to tell a strain by looks, there are over 2000 commercially available, not including home grown hybrids, each with about a dozen phenotypes. Only thing you can really do is look for small and bushy (mostly indica indication) or tall and lanky (mostly sativa indication). Then you can get a general idea of what to expect. GL and looks good.


Well-Known Member
But do you really think he is gonna have that strain and not know it?? Not arguing and if your right you get my props. So please enlighten me on how you could tell it was that exact strain?