help please


Active Member
Hi I'm new to this growing stuff frist off my plant is about 10' tall; and doing ok i guess but i'm only geting 3 leaves on the fan leaves. i'm using a 150 watt hps light that i found at work on 18/6 i dont know how long i hand this plant. also i useing fox far grow big
and 1 more thing is i ph. my water to 5-6 in the tube at least thats what the tester said in color said when i water her and tested her she was still over 10

thanks for the help pep's

will post pics later gotta get ready for new years


Active Member
I would say 3 months i've been told buy some she has tried to flower
is ther a period when she to old ???


are you using tap water with chlorine in it?

if so you need to let your water sit from the tap for 24 hours in an open container before you use it.


Well-Known Member
Marijuana thrives in neutral to slightly acidic mediums. Soil and soilless mixes should aim for pH of 6. Hydro growers should go slightly lower which helps prevent pythium and other root rots-- 5.5 to 5.7 is ideal.