Help Please!!!???

Hi all,

Newbie here!

I'm having problems on my first grow. I have a 21 day old (veg) Northern Light plant that is starting to look saggy/ill.

I have been watering her 20ml every day, but shes starting to look different. Shes growing still but not as fast as she should be...

I'll post a few pics below, any help would be greatly appreciated...

Thanks in advance.



hi there
what soil are u using?
what is ur ph & EC?
temps of room and lighting?
Temperature in room is always around the 25degrees celcius. I have a CFL light. The soil is Bio biz all mix..

Sorry i arnt up on ph and ec!? If you could enlighten me i will try to find out...

Any help would be great thank you..


you have purp stem too, rethink your soil mix and if you are using nutrients back off em,
simple fix though water through so your soil is completely drenched and dont water again for 2 days or until the soil is dry. you should be able to feel moisture in your soil by putting your finger an inch down into it. if its dry water it.

i would change out my soil with organic miracle grow and 1/3 perlite or coco, then water through if i were you
you have purp stem too, rethink your soil mix and if you are using nutrients back off em,
simple fix though water through so your soil is completely drenched and dont water again for 2 days or until the soil is dry. you should be able to feel moisture in your soil by putting your finger an inch down into it. if its dry water it.

i would change out my soil with organic miracle grow and 1/3 perlite or coco, then water through if i were you
Hi JointDoctor,

Thanks a lot for your reply.

I havn't been using any nutrients at all, will i still need to drench?

And what is 'purp stem'?

Thanks again, please reply.



Well-Known Member
Purp stem means purple stem. Deffinately over watering. Let it dry out. Bio Bizz All Mix soil is a fantastic soil so don't bother changing that IMO but you should have flushed it through before potting.


Active Member
It's over watering 20 ml everyday? Why? I know it doesn't seem like a whole lot but you have to get oxygen to the roots, that much water is drowning them and you are seeing the results with yellow/slow growth. Let them dry out and watch them jump.


New Member
actually it looks like she's thirsty. when you water, you should water till there's some run off comming out of the bottem of the pot, and that way you don't have to water every day and also when the soil starts to dry out, the roots will reach down to the bottem and grow towards the remaining water left at the bottem to give you a better root structure.
Just my opinion though.


Active Member
actually it looks like she's thirsty. when you water, you should water till there's some run off comming out of the bottem of the pot, and that way you don't have to water every day and also when the soil starts to dry out, the roots will reach down to the bottem and grow towards the remaining water left at the bottem to give you a better root structure.
Just my opinion though.

Doesn't look thirsty at all to me. He is watering everyday. Tell me exactly how it would be underwatered with 20 ml everyday?

Doubt it's dry spots either.

There is just no way that plant is under watered. Yellow leaves, slow growth, and curled down. (ALL SIGNS OF OVER-WATERING)

When you underwater the plant will look wilted, not curl down there is a huge difference.
Thanks a lot for the replys.

Well tbh, it isnt 20ml every day, it was more like 20ml every 2 days - but the soil seemed very dry and then this plant started to look ill so i upped the water to 20ml every day.

My friend says the soil seems too dry. But my other two are fine, although one of them is growing quite slow.

Heres a picture of the other two that are on day 11 - i planted these a while after the first one.

Thanks again, any help greatly appreciated as i'm stuck now - i don't know if to water or to dry them out?


How close are your lights? I had a similar problem with my first grow, the leaves started curling, I moved the light back and they straightened out. Yet this may not be your problem. Most likely one of the problems above. Good luck!!
Here is a picture of the other two (Northern Lights) that are at day 11, why do you think there is such difference in growth?? Im feeding them both the same as the ill one - but these both look perfectly healthy??




Please will one of you experts give me some advice?? Anything will be greatly appreciated, i dont want to waste this plant.

Thanks in advance.
