Help please


Well-Known Member
Ok. I got a 400 watt light with reflector and balast. I am going to be using part of my un heated building to grow. Wanted to build a 3x3x7 plywood box with 4in exhaust fan. will be using ona to help with the smell. What is the smallest box i can build using the 400 watt light and not burn my ladies. :wall:


Well-Known Member
According to the Jan 09 issue of high times:
250 = 4x4
400 = 5x5
600 = 6x6
1000 = 8x8
It also states "for spaces smaller than 4x4, you may consider using flouros ( T-5 or T-8 )

Having said that, I have a 400w for my 4'x3'x8' cab and it covers it all great. I wouldnt go any higher and could probably get simlliar results with a 250w. The 400 gives me a little heat to deal with.


Well-Known Member
here is gets into the teens but not sub zero temp. will the 400 watt give me enough heat without a heater? this is gonna be my firts time trying this and want to get it right the first go round.


Well-Known Member
here is gets into the teens but not sub zero temp. will the 400 watt give me enough heat without a heater? this is gonna be my firts time trying this and want to get it right the first go round.
You will need a heater. Remember that in flower your lights are off for 12 hours at a time.


Well-Known Member
nope, not even if you insulated it. you will need a small space heater for when the light is off.


Well-Known Member
thank you desertrat i try to read as much as possible but still have questions thanks for your help. first timer


Well-Known Member
hey picasso was reading some of your post and loved your set up. i have been smoking for longtime but never tryed growing myself.


Well-Known Member
I have learned one thing sense i found this site people will help ya. and i'm no handyman always paided a friend to help me but i'm not staying nutttin to know one. having to learn on my own. thanks for your help.


Well-Known Member
i have to get timers for light's and space heater and getting ready to get lumber for my cabinet. going to be ready by end of the week i hope. starting from seed how close can i hang 400 watt to dirt?


Well-Known Member
As far as possible away for seedlings - 3 feet or so, moving closer as the plant gets bigger. At about 2 weeks, about 12 inches away is good.


Well-Known Member
thanks man. how do i learn all the stuff i will need to know from start to finish? and i need to know about the intake and exhaust fan's will exhaust take care of the smell.. lol if it smells lol


Well-Known Member
going to build my cabinet from plywood and it's going to be 3x3x7 and have cabinet in out building. been reading about sup heat source's


Well-Known Member
thanks man for all ya help just going to keep it simple and keep my mouth closed!! wish ya good luck with ya stuff