Help please!

Nutrient burn ? Ph problems ? Although ph of run off water last time checked was 6.8 and water feeding plants has bn ph’d between 6-6.8 , only using organic nutrients haven’t had any problems till couple days ago last fed nutes about 3-4 days ago. Has small brownish yellow spots on leaves which seem to be eating through the leaves , new growth is twisted and very slow , only seems to be affecting newer leaves This is my first grow and any advice would help and b appreciated. She is an Autoflower passion fruit from new420guy says in strain description that she can handle full doses of nutes well , I started with 1/4 dose then upped it to 1/2 the next feeding , which was about 2 weeks apart . Plant is 29 days old . And has begun preflowering last week , was growing so well till now ☹. Thanks in advance


the twisting growth makes me think heat or light stress.. which can also cause spots.
Possibly , it has gotten up to the lower 80’s in my closet a time or two but not for long and lately have gotten the temps under control , got a lil cooling humidifier in there that’s kept it a comfortable 75 or so lately . And as for light stress , could be , I have 2 85watt CFLs and a round LED that’s actually meant for photography that I’ve been using not sure the watts or anything. Kelvins are 5,500 on that one and have it about 15” from canopy
Can’t wait till I can afford a better light and set up . Planning on converting an armoire I have and probably getting the cheaper mars light as I hear good things about it
Nutrient burn ? Ph problems ? Although ph of run off water last time checked was 6.8 and water feeding plants has bn ph’d between 6-6.8 , only using organic nutrients haven’t had any problems till couple days ago last fed nutes about 3-4 days ago. Has small brownish yellow spots on leaves which seem to be eating through the leaves , new growth is twisted and very slow , only seems to be affecting newer leaves This is my first grow and any advice would help and b appreciated. She is an Autoflower passion fruit from new420guy says in strain description that she can handle full doses of nutes well , I started with 1/4 dose then upped it to 1/2 the next feeding , which was about 2 weeks apart . Plant is 29 days old . And has begun preflowering last week , was growing so well till now ☹. Thanks in advance
It’s not thrips. Are you indoor or outdoor and have you sprayed anything? Could be spray/light/fan burn

Alphonso OG

Well-Known Member
Same thing happen to me months ago when I used superthrive foliar spray. It will leave oil spots on the leaves and those spots will end up with burns or holes.
Same thing happen to me months ago when I used superthrive foliar spray. It will leave oil spots on the leaves and those spots will end up with burns or holes.
Certain applications need to be rinsed after spraying. Sometimes after a few hours, sometimes a period of days. I’ve fucked up some plants not knowing this. Be sure to read the labels thoroughly. Also most applications should be sprayed with lights off for at least 3 hours or in the evening
Same thing happen to me months ago when I used superthrive foliar spray. It will leave oil spots on the leaves and those spots will end up with burns or holes.
I think ur right , omg lol hydrokid239 u had me freaking out checking plants like a lunatic for bugs lol every little spec of dust I saw became a bug . But thank u all for help/advice . I have raised the lights since last post and have been giving her less intense light as well as a couple extra hours of dark let her rest some , and opened my eyes to how quickly things can go south with our precious plant babies gonna look into pest prevention and pay better attention to nutes and environment. Totally love sites like this growers helping and learning from growers, it’s awesome . Sorry for the novel all, peace ✌