Help Please!! Young plants dying!


Well-Known Member
Sorry to keep interupting this thread but can someone please explain to me how to post a new thread as I'm struggling to find how to do this...appreciated
Start a new post! You'll get more help that way. Wrap the stem with clear plastic wrap (saran wrap) and then tape it and hope for the best. If its not too fucked up it should heal itself like supercropping.

munch box

Well-Known Member
Wrap it up with the green twist wire that is used to tie down plants. I would not use tape and shrink wrap. Never heard that one before


New Member
Huh depending on medium it prob is to hot i would suggest goin out and buying new soil without any nutes in it re transplant taking extra care not to disturb root ball to much

my guess is every time you water your releasing more and more nutrients so flushing isnt helping at all

monitor your ph you want min 6.4 to 7.0

And as for feeding young plants its what you should do paying extra care not to go over board i my self feed 450 ppm to a 3 - 4 " clone and by 14th day in the 750 to 800 plants love it 14 days and there 14 - 18 " tall

PS: i would suggest investing in superthrive to help combat the high stress plants are takin right now once transplanted

good luck
Thanks for the help. I'm going to stop flushing and let them dry out for 2 days. Then I'll transplant into a new soil mix and water with a lite superthrive mix. Thanks for all the help.
Omg your drwning those girls !stop watering . No nutes way to early.. No water till they start to look healthy i mean it no water of any kind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!