Help Please!! Young plants dying!

I have researched and researched trying to find a similar problem with photos for the past two days, but alas, no luck. All of the problems I've seen look very similar with a hundred different diagnosis. I'm now desperate, so I'm asking, no, begging for help.
Ok, so I have attached a few photos of what's going on. Here are the details...

I sprouted all of them in a peat germination setup with humid hood

transplanted into the peat cups you see in the photos 9 days ago using

- roots organic soil
- watering every other day, poland spring jugs
- started nutes 5 days ago as listed below (all Advanced Nutrients organic)
- 2ml/l Voodoo Juice
- 3.5ml/l Iguana Juice
- 2ml/l B-52

I used the nute water for every other watering (so every 4th day)

I'm doing 18-6 under an 8 bulb t-5 HO. My temps are 79-85 during light and 70-76 for night.

How can I fix this? There is a ton of money in seeds here and I just don't know what's happening now. Ph is fine also, so I am scrambling. Please help me??



Active Member
dude i wouldn't start using nutes until plants or like 3 or 4 weeks old that could be a problem.

and they look a bit overwatered.
I'm not 100%, but I don't think overwatering is my problem. I just got done flushing all of them prior to the pics, but I let them go until the soil is dry and the cups are lite before watering. About every other day.

I was told that with the nutes I'm using, they were good to go, but I have flushed twice now and no change. I also skipped the last nute and went with just the water after the first time I flushed them. So, they have been flushed twice now over the past week with no nutes, just water, and have dried nicely before watering again, no change. In fact, they are going down hill.


Well-Known Member
I've never used your soil. Isn't it hot like ffof?
Don't start nutes till at least the second
week if it is! When you do start I would go buy
and use a ppm meter and ph meter if your
not already using them!
The soil isn't nearly as hot as ffof. Nitrogen is really high in the ff, so I don't use it.
I test my ph with both a meter and a soil/water tester. I think my ph is spot on at 5.7-6.0.

As for the nutes, I didn't start until mid 2nd week. Do you think it's too much, and if so, wouldn't my two flushes have helped?
How do I fix it? Do another flush? Also, the plants did awesome for the first 7 days, nice color, huge increases in size. If it was the soil, wouldn't that have happened as soon as they went in it?

I just don't know any more. I open to trying anything at this point, but don't know what to try.
Anyone have any additional ideas as to causes and/or solutions? I don't want to see my whole garden die, so any ideas, help, or thoughts are highly appreciated. I'm waiting on something to try and have absolutely nothing right now. If it's a nute problem, I've flushed them twice, so nothing else to do there and no signs of change. So frustrating, I feel like crying and/or breaking things. As most of you know, between the build for the room(s), germinating, replanting, and everything else, it's soo much time and money down the drain if they die.


Active Member
right away your soil looks very wet those are young plants and can be "drowned" easily. also nutes shouldnt be used that small :)
Help! I've just discovered one of my plants have snapped about quarter inch from the bottom of main stem I've taped and splinted but its propper drooped will it survive? It hasn't snapped all the way....its in 6th week of Veg. Any help will be appreciated
Okay, I will do another flush once this one has dried, about 2 days from now. Do you think these will survive after that, or is it too late to save them?

Just to be clear, the reason they may look overwatered now is because the photos were taken literally 2 minutes after I flushed every plant. They were dry about 1" - 1.5" into the soil.

munch box

Well-Known Member
Your leafs tips look a lot like tip burn. You don't need to be adding nutes right now. There is plenty of food in the soil for seedlings. I use roots organics and don't start feeding until growth starts to slow down, thats when they need food and possably a larger pot
I also wanted to thank you guys for getting back to me so quickly. There is a tremendous wealth of knowledge among you and I appreciate any and all replies.
Sorry to keep interupting this thread but can someone please explain to me how to post a new thread as I'm struggling to find how to do this...appreciated