Help please my babies are dying!

hi all, here is my issue.... its my first time growing indoors, and well i thought i was doin just fine till about 4 days ago, i have 3 plants started from seed now about 2.5 months old all growing in soil (probably my first mistake) they were absolutley pumping untill a few days ago when i noticed my main plant wilting badly i left it till the next day just thinking it hadnt recieved enough water when i returned the bottom 2 layers of leaves were all yellow, i did some research and come to the conclusion that since they were the first lot of leaves to form they must be getting ready to drop, came back the next day to find the yellow had spread half way up.... more research.... freaked out thinking it was root rot, so i remove the plant and tease the soil a bit to have a look, the roots are whit, strong and healthy no sign of rot so since i had already pulled my baby up teased the root system good (may possibly have been restricted roots causing my issue?) soaked them in a superthrive solution and repotted with fresh soil and in larger pots...... now the question.... have i completely fucked things up?


Well-Known Member
have you been feeding it? Might be nitrogen deficiency. We can't know for sure unless you post pics.
yes have been feeding using regular fertz in the soil and using hydrogrow a + b once every 2 weeks to give them a bit of a boost, the babies are currently slleping so will post pics once they awake, would do it now but just changed light cycles cause my mother in law turned the power supply off ( i nearly fukin cried) so dont wanna hit them with another light screw up, will post pics in a few hours
ok so this is about 18 hours after the superthrive soaking and repotting, they actually dont look as bad as they did yesterday when i posted but still worried....P1010047.jpgP1010048.jpgP1010049.jpgP1010045.jpg


Well-Known Member
you haven't mentioned if you are in flower, but i don't see any bud
2.5 months of veg is plenty of time to outgrow your pots, depending on how big they are
that they seem to have stabilized suggests your plants outgrew the original pots, and began to suck nutes from the lower branches, which is how it starts
you haven't mentioned if you are in flower, but i don't see any bud
2.5 months of veg is plenty of time to outgrow your pots, depending on how big they are
that they seem to have stabilized suggests your plants outgrew the original pots, and began to suck nutes from the lower branches, which is how it starts
just turned to flowering 2 days ago, unwillingly but due to mother in law turning lights off thinking she was helping thought i should to try and keep some kind of cycle, i didnt realize how large the root system for weed was, i have always been an outdoors in the ground grower so never really noticed...... while im here when flowering should i use just flowering lights or flowering and veg together, thanks for replies to people been great


Well-Known Member
most seem to recommend the most light as possible, the bluer veg lights won't hurt unless total light intensity begins to bleach the plant
this is supposed to be hard to do, probably heat is the limiting issue, if you have enough air flow, you will probably be ok
yeah i thought heat would be an issue, had 2 veg lights to start with and in the first day all worms had escaped out the bottom of the pot and died, so obviously way too hot, went back to 1x 400w and things were good, will just stick with flower light cant do more damage to a rental to make way for more air flow