Help! Please Look!


Well-Known Member
These are the only 2 clones that actually did good and didn't die. They're doing alright but they look like they got nute burned...but i haven't added any nutes.

Here's some pic's!

Any help is much appreciated!!


That soil doesnt look like its got much perlite in it. Maybe you should get some perlite for drainage as your plants are waterlogged. Lay of the water, they look DRENCHED. No water for at least 4-5 days. Provide some fresh ventilation to try and dry that soaking soil.

Epsom Salts will relax your plants. 1 teaspoon per litre = foliar spray.

Put them under cfls for 18/6 cycle. Pray.


Well-Known Member
Almost looks like lockout from nute burn. Whats your medium comprised of? Have you checked the ppm of the runoff?


Well-Known Member
I'm using the miracle seed starting soil. I'm thinking the small dose of fertilizer it has in it is messin' with em' maybe. And I use rain water to water. No idea on the ppm's.


Well-Known Member
Clones need very little if any fert, so I say your assumption is correct. You know the pH by the way? If you meant miracle grow seed soil, it usually has a super low pH, somewhere in the 4.5-5.5 area due to it's high content of peatmoss.


Well-Known Member
I'd probably just ride them out like they are to see if they straighten themselves out. Once they get rooted good and solid, new growth should resume.


Well-Known Member
I'd probably just ride them out like they are to see if they straighten themselves out. Once they get rooted good and solid, new growth should resume.
Sorry if i didn't say this...they have roots, and the bigger one is growing like crazy. The little one is the one i'm worried about really.


Well-Known Member
If you have roots, then transplant ASAP. And stay away from pre-fert mixes for rooting clones.
I don't get paid until tomorrow. You think they can wait till' then? And isn't FF pre-ferted? What should I use...make my own mix maybe?


Well-Known Member
They'd prolly be good til tomorrow. I don't think its the fert as much as it is the pH. I usually cut my clone medium down with something like coco to make it easier on the cuttings. You can use peatmoss, you've just gotta counter that acidic pH.


Well-Known Member
They'd prolly be good til tomorrow. I don't think its the fert as much as it is the pH. I usually cut my clone medium down with something like coco to make it easier on the cuttings. You can use peatmoss, you've just gotta counter that acidic pH.
Thanks man...they're about 3 weeks old or so.


Well-Known Member
I don't get paid until tomorrow. You think they can wait till' then? And isn't FF pre-ferted? What should I use...make my own mix maybe?
Yes it is pre-ferted but it's organic. It's also pretty much made for mj. I would just stay away from it for rooting though. Once they are rooted, put them in FF. It's pretty good stuff.