Well you've obviously done some homework if you know enough to know how under educated many hydro store employees are. Kudos to you!

I pretty much didn’t have a life outside of learning about cannabis cultivation. One of the beauties of the long covid lockdown. Even after I went back to work, it was dead so I had plenty of free time to fill my noggin. Ended up with a dope grow room that will continue to repay my time investment for many years to come!
Is there a chart or something to refer to, to know how many killawatts you should be putting out at any given time? Thanks again
Is there a chart or something to refer to, to know how many killawatts you should be putting out at any given time? Thanks again
You should be at 50% at. 30" for veg and. 24" full power for flower. Adjust the light up slowly the 2nd week of 12/12 until you reach full power over 5 days or so. So 50% is 300 watts at 30" for your current stage.
No problem, do yourself a favor and buy a Killawatt to plug your light into. They are cheap and will show you exactly how much power your light is using. Its impossible to be accurate with that dial.

Pro tip: most smart plugs have energy monitoring built in so they function as a killawat meter in addition to other smart functions like timers, remote switching, etc. You can get them in packs of 2 for less than $15 on Amazon.
Pro tip: most smart plugs have energy monitoring built in so they function as a killawat meter in addition to other smart functions like timers, remote switching, etc. You can get them in packs of 2 for less than $15 on Amazon.
I have smart plugs but they rely on internet, Killawatt has it's own display. It's the better way to go IMO. My light runs off a smart plug but a $20 Killawatt is better for purpose we are speaking of.
I have smart plugs but they rely on internet, Killawatt has it's own display. It's the better way to go IMO. My light runs off a smart plug but a $20 Killawatt is better for purpose we are speaking of.

Yeah. Depends on what you’re after I suppose. I run smart plugs flashed with custom firmware which are controlled via a raspberry pi. It’s not tied to the cloud so I can still access everything in the event of a Comcast outage. I do tend to over complicate things. I’ve got a killawat on hand in case shit ever hits the fan.