HELP please, first time growing. so I used


Active Member
a bunch of seeds that I just found in a qp I bought awhile ago. this is my first time so I don't really know what I'm doin, but I think I have a pretty good idea.

so I bought like 10 little pots, like the one on the very bottom, and bought some soil and threw one in each after I germinated them. then I bought 10 of the ones two to the left of the little one for when I transplant them.

they're still in the small pots, and have gotten about 3 or 4 inches high so far. I'm just using a little 75w fluorescent grow light I bought a walmart for now, but plan on getting an MH/HPS conversion bulb setup for veg/flowering. do you think I should transplant them now, or wait? I think the root is probably at the bottom of the soil so I think I should do it soon.

also, do you think the large pot is too big? or would it be ideal to grow one of the incredibly fat, luscious plants you see on websites and shit.

I'm also currently running the light 24/7, and it's laid across the bathtub over the pots.


Well-Known Member
a bunch of seeds that I just found in a qp I bought awhile ago. this is my first time so I don't really know what I'm doin, but I think I have a pretty good idea.

so I bought like 10 little pots, like the one on the very bottom, and bought some soil and threw one in each after I germinated them. then I bought 10 of the ones two to the left of the little one for when I transplant them.

they're still in the small pots, and have gotten about 3 or 4 inches high so far. I'm just using a little 75w fluorescent grow light I bought a walmart for now, but plan on getting an MH/HPS conversion bulb setup for veg/flowering. do you think I should transplant them now, or wait? I think the root is probably at the bottom of the soil so I think I should do it soon.

also, do you think the large pot is too big? or would it be ideal to grow one of the incredibly fat, luscious plants you see on websites and shit.

I'm also currently running the light 24/7, and it's laid across the bathtub over the pots.
If you think the plant is pot bound i would transplant asap. i would go for either a 3gal or 5gal pot dont really know the sizes from that pic. get that conversion light asap as it will help increase your yields tremendously. most people on here do 18hours light with 6 hours dark. i don't have any scientific data to back this it's just what decided i wanted to do after reading a lot about it. also you need to look into getting a good set of nutrients if you haven't done so already like fox farm or general hydrponics.


Well-Known Member
Wait a while to that size the roots are very easily torn just by the weight of soil hanging on them.. when they're a few inches tall let the soil dry out (easier to remove), roll the pot in your hand or CAREFULLY run a knife around outer edges, tilt and remove.. as for pots big as your area allows without being silly... about 5 gal and up..
you're hooked now.

*rep for grow....


Active Member
alright cool, thanks guys. I guess do you think I should get some better soil, like foxfarm or something? I just bought some miraclegro at walmart when I was there, dunno how much of a difference it'd make.

what'd you mean by roll the pot in your hand, twistyman?


Well-Known Member
He means roll the pot and squeeze it real good at same time so that the dirt "releases" itself from the pot . The whole plant and all the dirt should come out as 1 unit.


Well-Known Member
Id seriously consider getting some decent soil dude!
Theres loads designed specifically for growing weed, if you cant find a grow shop then Id opt for soil for seedlings/cuttings from your local garden centre.

As for the pot size it depends how big a plant you wanna grow and how long you wanna veg for, from seed I usually veg for no more than five weeks and a pot between 5 n 10 gal works fine for me.

Good luck dude!



Well-Known Member
Just saw your clay pot post,

Go plastic dude much more convenient to move around and if you get the dropsies like me they wont smash!

Just a thought do your clay pots have drainage holes???


Active Member
right on, thank you.

we do have a growshop here, actually, and they have the foxfarm soil but it's just so fucking expensive. like 40 bucks for one of those big bags or whatever.

also, I'm still not sure what exactly people mean by "veg". like, veg as in leg the plant grow from the seed for 5 weeks until it starts to flower, or what? I'm not sure how you purposely would for the plant to start flowering.

I wanna grow a pretty big plant. like at least where I get a qp off each of them. how much do you normally yield/what's your setup like? you probably know more than I do on how to get all this stuff, I just wanna be able to get like a qp off each plant.

ya, they've got one at the bottom. good call on the plastic pots though dude, I think I'll look into it.


Well-Known Member
If you leave a Marijuana plant with light on it for 14 hours or more a day it will never flower, it will keep vegetating. To induce flowering all you have to do is make sure it gets 12 hours of dark and 12 hours of light each day...easy as that.

If your planning on getting 4 oz off each plant indoors, you might be in for a very difficult journey. 4 oz is possible, but not very feasible. considering the amount of time to veg a plant large enough to create 4 oz will be months long,much easier to just grow a bunch of smaller plants that together will yield the same amount, but in 1/3 the time. A good grower should be able to turn a complete crop every 2-3 months if he is managing resources correctly.

People that grow true SOG ( Sea of Green) get a perpetual harvest every 2 weeks of around 1-2 oz for a small-midsize grow.