Help Please..Day and Night Temperature

sir rance alot

Active Member
What could happen if I cant get my day and night temps to change enough?
Do I need to change my entire room design?....

I have a 4 chamber set up. All chambers are designed the same way. Clone, Veg, and Mother Chambers are fine its just the Flower Chamber that may be the problem.

So the flower chamber is set up so my soil containers sit on a wire rack about a foot off the bottom. That 1 foot space below my wire rack is the intake for the chamber so intake air is forced through the plants from the bottom up. I also have my lights seperated from the chamber so there is no heat from them at all in the chamber.

So now I have a constant air flow in the chamber that never changes temperature.
Do I need to redesign?

I have plenty of air movement so I dont even need a circulating fan.

Im just wondering how critical it is for those temp changes...


Well-Known Member
u dont say what ur temps r? u dont have to have a change in day/night temp, generally that happens though naturally when the lights r off. if ur temps r lets say the optimal 78 degrees, u can run that day & night & be fine. the temps don't matter that much unless their is a drastic drop, where as it could stress the plant, I think u r overthinking this one.


Well-Known Member
I gotta agree with Snoopy with this subject.

Your just over thinking it..

or as I would say.. 'over analyzing' the subject. ;)

er well, that's what my ex gf always told me. always accused me of "over analyzing" things.

I gotta get that evil woman outta my head!


sir rance alot

Active Member
well there u go, ur lights r on all the time, so ur temps r consistent. why r u running them 24/0? in veg it is beneficial to provide that "down time" for the plants.
I mean my temps stay in that range 24 hours a day.. not my lighting schedule.

Lighting schedule is 24 hrs in clone chamber, 18 hrs in veg. chamber, 18 hrs in mother chamber and 12 hrs in flower chamber.

Sorry about the misunderstanding. I was just saying my lights do not interfere with my temps.


Well-Known Member
got it...well it looks like u have a lockdown on near the IDEAL temps consistently in ever room...lucky you!!!

sir rance alot

Active Member
Yeah, that was what worried me. I didnt know how crucial temp changes were. I finally found all the answers I needed though.

Apparently having temps really close or the same during night and day shortens internode length substantially. I got lucky on that one.

Now I just have to figure out how to get more red light incorporated and less far red to shorten internode length even more.