Help please! Can't quite figure out what's wrongs with my babies

First off, your PH is too high. You should aim for 6.3 Ph. If you are using the drops to test PH, aim for yellow with a touch of green. The drops should be greenish when they hit the water and then when shaken the solution will look yellow-green.

I'm using a Ph meter. That was actually the ph of my mutes that I barely put In & ended up flushing them out. The ph of y soils run off is 6.3 dead on.

It does not hurt a plant when you transplant it. Just be careful not to drop the plant or tear it in anyway.

Ok thank you that is good to know. I wasn't quite sure, wondered if it might temporarily slow growth.

If you show a pic from the side of the plant with the pot in view I can tell you if it is time to transplant.

i appriceate that. I went ahead and transplanted. I'd say they send needed it. The roots weren't root bound but def filled up the container. I transplanted 3 days ago so I would think they would be getting all the mutes from the new soil by now. They are growing pretty quick, but still getting yellow spots & occasionaly on new growth. One set f leaves that was effected by the yellow/browning is now shriveling up and dying. Another set on the same plant appears to be doin the same. Also, my flo used to be the healthiest but is now getting some yellow spots, & is drooping down at night as if weak. It looks sad.

A new thing I just noticed on the flo is it is 3-4 holes right around the stem of one leaf with no color. To me it looks like something has been eating on it, but I can't see any bugs not webbing. I sprayed for them just in case this morning.

i know you all said it wasn't bugs but what does this sound like? I could very well just be paranoid but if its a deficiency I can't quite figure it out.

thank you very much.
This is absolutely false. Pot drainage, strain, different soils water retention, RH of environment, as well many many other variables contribute to watering cannabis. Watering as mentioned using 10 gallons of water is highly unadvised. 100 gallon pots outdoors maybe, indoors don't.

Thank you for clarifying. Although his post made me feel more comfortable about watering, I still have been cautious considering I just transplanted & with less roots & more soil I don't want to flood them.

on a side note I am thinking of ordering a magnifying glass to check for pest. Really hoping this isn't my issue.

Thanks for all the help.
Cal/mag deficiency maybe? I really can't figure this out after reading 4 books in the troubleshoot section ha
Disregard the cal/mag post. But a potassium deficiency seems like similar symptoms as well?

I was talking to my bro whose never grown cannabis but loves plants and has a "green thumb" so to speak said to maybe cut off effected leaves so doesn't effect others? Any opinions on this?