Help Please Asap!!! White Flies!!


Well-Known Member
DAMN DAMN DAMN THEM ALL TO HELL:evil:!! I have some white flies in my grow room, they have'nt attacked my hydro plants yet, but they are going to town on my soil grow and i am starting to see spots:cry:. I am SOOOO MAD:evil:!!! My soil babies are 5 weeks and 4 days old. The only solution in FAQ's is this solution of 5 tbsps. of peroxide and a few drop of detergent added to 6 cups of water. Spray liberally and thats it does'nt say how long or anything. Please if you have something better (Please be specific I'm a n00b)... HELP ME!!!


Well-Known Member
Disclaimer: I have never had a problem with whiteflies but I read the following:

From "Grow Great Marijuana" by Logan Edwards:
The whitefly life cycle is interesting in that the larval stage does all the damage. The larva will hatch and reamin until it has quickly molted three times. Then it pupates and an adult emerges. Whiteflies behave just like spider mites. The insect hides underneath the leaf and sucks it's (sic) dinner from it, which results in white spots on the top side of the leaf.

Signs of infestation
The top surface of leaves on infested plants become pale or spotted due to these insects feeding on the underside of the leaves. Whiteflies are easily spotted with the naked eye. Heavily infested plants will produce a buzzing cloud of flies if shaken. They look like little white moths and are around two millimeters in size.

Controlling the Whitefly
Insecticidal soap will take care of an infestation, as will more toxic insecticies. Apply the soap (plus a wetting agent) to every part of the plant, including both sides of the leaves. This will act to block the breathing pores and suffocate the pests.


Well-Known Member
Yellow white fly traps are good, they take a while to clear out the population but use these combined with sprays and making sure you shake the plants every so often when you do they jump off the underside of the plants. If your quite late in to flowering be careful with the spray as it could give you bud mold.


Well-Known Member
Thanks All,

I went with the Neem Oil solution (2tbsp. to a gallon of water) every 7 days till no signs ( i caught it VERY EARLY, my hubby says, it's because i sleep with my plant, but i cant help it I'm OBSESSED!!). Maybe 1 or 2 more treatment(i already dont see any!!!). Then i will treat every month just to prevent anything else. I also need those yellow sticky strips, my nursey was out of them today, i will try again tomorrow.

Thanks again for your help!!!


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New Member
I went and bought some neem oil yesterday, and used it last night. Got up this am and there are still tons of white flies, or I guess that's what they are, still all over the soil. How long til I don't see them anymore?


Well-Known Member
I went and bought some neem oil yesterday, and used it last night. Got up this am and there are still tons of white flies, or I guess that's what they are, still all over the soil. How long til I don't see them anymore?
it will take some time to fully break the life cycle of the bugs, if your applying insecticidal soap or neem oil to soil it acts to kill the eggs and larva in the soil. Adult bugs will be unaffected, you can mix together a foliar spray to use and apply to your plants and grow room walls that will help control the adult flies that will continue laying eggs as long as there alive. When using a foliar spray make sure to also use a wetting agent so that water dosent bead up.
Tackling any pest is a matter of breaking there life cycle, both eggs and adults must be dealt with or the problems will return. It will take a few days to see results from your efforts