Help!!!!please anybody!!!!!


Well-Known Member
i have a serious problem:confused:......i have germinated about 5 of my seeds and once the root tail started forming i planted them about 1/2 inch deep into my soil and watered them in. The thing is its been about 3 days and nothin has happen so i decided to dig a little around it and i find my seed and the root tail has completely vanished and its just an empty shell....this has happened to about three of my seeds now. Im growing outside in the hot cali sun but i dunno why that would rot my seeds out and fuck my life using normal potting nutes....and purified water.....i just planted 5 more seeds with the same shit and if that doesnt work then im a failure.....please PLEASE help!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
it cant be that cuz the soil was as i left it....i have no clue wtf is goin on with my shit