Help! Plants not looking healthy. PIC inside



Im growing indoors... 400w MH with some Happy Frog potting soil. Keeping temperatures between 76-82 degrees F. Humidity around 30-45%.

I have them in 4 gallon containers and they are roughly 6 weeks old.

I've noticed over the last few days that the leaves are becoming discolored (primarily the new growth). Then yesterday and today I noticed the leaves were starting to look burnt and started to curl. The light is about 20-24 inches from the top of the plants and I have an oscillating fan blowing on them with an exhaust fan 70cfm in the ceiling.

They also have a little bit of shiny tint, the leaves are looking like a mix of green and yellow but Im not sure its a nute deficiency. My soil is a little bit compact, not sure if that has anything to do with it either.

If anybody has seen something very similar, please help!



This is the pictures from today...

I went to the hydroponic shop near me and they believe it's PH problems... I got the PH down to around 6.0

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
If it is just the top leafs it might be heat stress, that's exactly what it looks like to me. I don't have experience with MH, but 20 inches seems close for a 400W light and a plant that size, but I'm sure other growers will know better


So i did the nutes + PH down yesterday with TAP water... I woke up today and there was hella new growth and it all looked great... The old growth hadn't changed either... and im assuming it won't "heal" what was damaged.

Will check back in after the weekend with pics.



Well-Known Member
Hit it with Calmag, CAL MAG, CAL MAG!!!
Ive been through this 3 different times in hydro. I add calmag and 3-5 days its all better.