Help, plants falling dead at "night"?


Well-Known Member
in ebb and flo system plants falling dead at night. i have a 3 hour flood going on for 12 hours. then at night lights out i go no flood. during this time the plants go dead. when i flood they peak back up, but their leaves are dried out. it is tire mulch media. this is a test run to see if the plants will florish in this. i dont know if they need more water during dark or more floods. during lights on i cant wait for them to sleep to see how they grow. but they die, any advice. flod at night, or more in day. i aint sticking my new beans which just got here in their.


Well-Known Member
in ebb and flo system plants falling dead at night. i have a 3 hour flood going on for 12 hours. then at night lights out i go no flood. during this time the plants go dead. when i flood they peak back up, but their leaves are dried out. it is tire mulch media. this is a test run to see if the plants will florish in this. i dont know if they need more water during dark or more floods. during lights on i cant wait for them to sleep to see how they grow. but they die, any advice. flod at night, or more in day. i aint sticking my new beans which just got here in their.
- i have heard all kinds of stuff said but if your roots dry out your plant will suffer
i don't see how flooding at night can be a bad thing.
one guy once told me not to run my aeroponics at night and he ran a hydro shop.
had i listed to him i would have a bunch of dead plants


Active Member
you can flood a number of times through the day to keep roots wet, you just need a period they can get air also. Is the tire mulch stuff absorbent at all? and how many times are you flooding a day? If it is only twice bump it up to four times....of course it depends how long it is flooding for also..... tell me some more and I will try to help some more. :)


Well-Known Member
i am flooding now on the hour everyhour just to be safe. the tir mulch is not aabsorbent at all but it stay s wet a while and water gets caught between cracks. i also have airstiones in the bottles. i cautous now. i need to read more about ebb flooding than the systmes. how do yu do it with hydroton i wonder. or lava rocks. that is a good close i bet.


Well-Known Member
i am flooding now on the hour everyhour just to be safe. the tir mulch is not aabsorbent at all but it stay s wet a while and water gets caught between cracks. i also have airstiones in the bottles. i cautous now. i need to read more about ebb flooding than the systmes. how do yu do it with hydroton i wonder. or lava rocks. that is a good close i bet.
i suspect if you go 12 hours during dark with no water your roots are getting dry this will kill your plants.
my aeroponic is 1 on 5 off 24 hours a day if i could keep it on 24 7 i would


Well-Known Member
the hydroton expanded clay pellets are awsome. but to your point the rocks hold moisture
not much but some. i run my dark period once an hour and every half in light.
if i were you i wouldnt change id keep it the same 24-7 and id also get some coconut fibre
get it in the sheet kind or break up a brick under the plant so they cant dry out easy. once you get your water roots the coco-fibre will help tons.


Active Member
I dig the coco fiber it is ph balanced and good for the environment. It also can be tilled into other gardens when your done to help airate (sp?) the soil. Hydroton is good stuff to and your right it probably would be the same as what your using now. With coco fiber I would recomend flooding twice a day either 15 minutes or thirty minutes.