help. plants burn and droopy leafs.


Active Member
Sme of the pics r hard for me to see. Plant 3 looks either thirsty or like she had too much water. Make sure to let soil almost completely dry before giving a healthy drink. Plant 4 doesnt look like burn to me, I'm gonna look at that some more.

Could u give more info. Particularly I'm wondering about nutes, lights, and soil type.


Well-Known Member
Whats that stuff on top? looks like your using the pot as ashtray. i hate that.
Bro your babys are severly overwatered, as previous person said, let pot dry much more untill its very light to lift. And get an ashtray.


Well im getting 600 watt hps light but its here yet so for now 150 watt cfls.
foxfarm happy farm soil and trio nutrients.
Thats how the soil got itsnot ash lol.


Well-Known Member
How old are they cause you say your feeding nutes also do you know your ph of water and soil ?


Active Member
Those Fox Farm soils have nutes already in em, so you probably shouldn't be adding anything. I think the bag even says something like wait 30 days before adding fertilizers, though I haven't read one in a while. Baby girls burn easy. Though I've been trying to get one to go extra dark green by pumping too much nitrogen, but seems impossible :/, my babies always seem to get some yellow growth.


So what should i do? Just water with no nutrients?
They're like 2 1/2 weeks old. Ph reads soil 6.6 water=6.9
can i save them or just start over?


Active Member
Don't give up, they can still be saved easy. Let them dry up this time and water with just plain ph balance water. I beleive 6.9 is tooo high, 5.9 - 6.3 is what you want to be aiming for. Only water them once a day for now the leaves are still tiny and the roots need to dry up so they speed up and search deeper for water. Remember; Under-watering is alot better then over-watering them.

Pat the stoner

New Member
The soil like roidrage says has nutes in it already then overwatering them can release them more than it should at once instead of over a longer period - nute burning the crap out of them , I had to transplant some that I did that to in order to save them - which I did . Water them less. Let the soil dry out between waterings .


The soil like roidrage says has nutes in it already then overwatering them can release them more than it should at once instead of over a longer period - nute burning the crap out of them , I had to transplant some that I did that to in order to save them - which I did . Water them less. Let the soil dry out between waterings .
So should i transplant them or will cutting back on the watering fix it?