help plants arent getting taller


I never heard purple leaves cuz of pH. Well, everything has first time isnt it, especially in cannabis growing :)


Well-Known Member
i started them in small peat pots, transplanted them into the blue containers when i noticed roots growing out of the peat pots.

i didnt grind up the fish i just tossed the whole thing in the bucket, covered it with about 4 in of soil and then transplanted into the big white bucket (only one with fish) but has been in there for 2 days now so its def not my problem. my friend did same and his plants are growing like "Weeds" :)

i used miriacle grow food spikes, recomended amount as it said on package.

it has not been rainign at all here for 3-4 weeks, maybe a little humid and has been hot

i was watrering them with my garden, every other night and stopped when i thought i may be over watering them and let them dry out for about 5-6 days then gave them a little bit of water to wet the soil and havent watered them since

anymore questions please ask, i would give more info if i knew what infor to give.


Well-Known Member
i started them in small peat pots, transplanted them into the blue containers when i noticed roots growing out of the peat pots.

i didnt grind up the fish i just tossed the whole thing in the bucket, covered it with about 4 in of soil and then transplanted into the big white bucket (only one with fish) but has been in there for 2 days now so its def not my problem. my friend did same and his plants are growing like "Weeds" :)

i used miriacle grow food spikes, recomended amount as it said on package.

it has not been rainign at all here for 3-4 weeks, maybe a little humid and has been hot

i was watrering them with my garden, every other night and stopped when i thought i may be over watering them and let them dry out for about 5-6 days then gave them a little bit of water to wet the soil and havent watered them since

anymore questions please ask, i would give more info if i knew what infor to give.
that fish isnt a good idea. meat takes a lot longer to break down than green and brown plant material. im not sure about those miracle grow spikes. idk whats in em. what kind of soil is that?

how do i clone, maybe ill have better luck cloning them and see how that goes?
those r too small to clone


Active Member
You can get five gallon buckets at Home Depot (if you have one near you) for like $2.54 (the orange "homer" buckets). And I would also remove the fish... it is more of a hazard for pests than any benefit you could receive in nutrients. Decomposing flesh is a breeding ground for bugs you do not want getting at your babies.


Active Member
They may just need a better fertilizer (but be careful not to over fertilize). Also, be patient, in the beginning they ware working on expanding their roots and leaves. It is important to remember that a plant can only grow as fast as it leaves are able to photosynthesize...more leaves = better growth...


Well-Known Member
If I were you, I would test my water with a PH tester and a PPM tester and make sure to get both of those into the ranges that cannabis is the most successful in. Then I would get rid of the MG spikes and the fish and switch to a water basted fertilizer. Feed them with every watering. Start with lower amounts, and increase it until they start growing better or until you see negative effects (in that case give a flush and scale the nutes back just a little bit).


nicknasty is right! if you plant in too large of a pot, it will use its energy towards the roots more than the plant itself...... I am preacing to the choir here! I just realized thats what my problem is too!!! only mine isn't that big, its just a one gallon right now, but it has been in it for 6 weeks! luckily, mine is recovering now..... I am growing pineapple chunk, has anyone here tried growing it?


Well-Known Member
jesus, i started a veggie garden and they are growing like crazy, this cannabis is tough, trial and error i guessthanks for all the posotive feedback and not calling me a dumb@$$ :)


Active Member
Don't trip....they'll get taller. their just going through their premature development stages.

However I do recommend using bigger pots.


Well-Known Member
hey matt, im having the exact same problem you are with plants growing very slowly. My plants are 3 to 3 1/2 weeks old and they all only have their 3rd leaf set with 4th growing out (counting the germ leaves). Im still trying to figure out what to do about my issue, cuz I'm having it even with top grade soil. I think it is because of an intense heat wave we had a week or so ago. I think the roots might have been damaged one day just from the sheer heat. Our plants may be having to heal roots, which I've heard takes much longer to heal than dried or damaged leaves. Ill post some pics when I can.