
Active Member
Hi, i got 3 of my girls right into flower, about 1 meter high, on 18/6, wtf is going on? i didnt changed anything.

These are not mâles, a lot of pistils, absolutely no balls.

I was going to put these outside, how do i reverse this shit?

(the strain is maroc femenised, about 1 meter high)



Well-Known Member
I think you are confusing auto flowering with preflowers. Once the female plant is sexually mature they will show pistils at the internodes. Pics would help


Well-Known Member
shoot just be happy there girls...

if your wanting really tall plants putting them on 24hrs will help but i would go ahead and flower them, rem. they grow alot when they flower to


Active Member
yea man flower them they are already huge most HPS lights wont penetrate down that far when they grown to 6+ feet at the end of flower so you gotta screen of green them or low stress train them, puttin them outside would be awesome for them tho. youre gonna straight up have trees in a couple months dude


Active Member
i wanna know how do i reverse this shit&??????

do i cut of all the buds and ût them outside?


Active Member
How long were they vegged for and under what light? I agree with the others the best thing to do would be to put them under 24hr if you wish to continue vegging. However they look plenty large enough to start flowering.


Active Member
no, i cant flower here. Its impossible.

I really want to throw them outside. So i cut off all buds and put them outside? Will they go back to veg?


Active Member
well, i already cut off the buds and put it under 24 hours light.

They will be out in 2 days.


Well-Known Member
didnt u read anything these guys are saying?

plants WILL after a certain point show what sex they are

That dosnt mean it will start flowering.

Its just mature.


Well-Known Member
Like soulfly said, the plants aren't actually budding......They are just showing signs of their sex (female).....They are mature at this point, you can continue veggin' with 18/6 or switch to 12/12 to start budding.....Stick them outside whenever you want.
I am curious what if any stress may occur from pruning the pre-flowers off the plant will cause....keep us all updated.