Help!! plants 2 weeks old and yellowing leaves

ok so plants are 2 weeks old under a 430 watt hps light. no nutes yet-or should they have nutes. The ph has been running a little high but i cant get it to stay down. its between 6.5 and 7. and constantly wants to rise. its a drip system in hydroton with a constant drip. HELP!! any and all info is greatly appreciated. :mrgreen:

I'm outside

Give them nutes or they will die not a lot though I can only assume you have some sort of feeding guide . You're ph is staying high because that's the natural ph of your tap water(or there abouts) when you start to feed it should chill out a bit.


how many nodes do they have? I usually get like 1 maybe 2 before they need to be fed or they stop growing and droop and yellow


New Member
if u have give no nutes and its 2 weeks old and starting to yellow
u definately need to start ur feeding schedule


Well-Known Member
Keep the ph 5.8-6.2 with no quick swings. Start them on at least .7 EC (350ppm @.5) of nutrients, but by full out veg you should be able to run 1.8EC or more. Taper your way up, watching the plants for signs of under/over nuting