Help, Plant Uprooted


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I need some help/advice

Its not too big of a deal, because its at the begining stage of growth, so I can just start another one over in its place. But this is my problem.

I woke up this morning, went to check on my babies, All were fine except one. One was uprooted. The plant was laying on the soil, with the root exposed. Like somebody pulled it up or something.

I am not sure if I took the right steps, but As soon as I seen this, I went and got some distilled water, added some root solution, and put the plant in that.

Now, the plant was only a few days old, so its really not too big of a deal, but if I can save it, I am going to save it. I am sure all of you would do the same, they are our babies after all!

So, Any reccommedations? Did I take the right steps? Do you think it will survive?

Just in case it does not, I already got another germinating now.

Oh, and I am sure the strain does not matter at this point, but ofcourse I know you guys are wondering what I am growing. Afgani x Skunk #1 :weed:

Thanks in advance for all your help


Everything I say is fiction. I do not grow illegal substances or participate in any other illegal activities. I do not promote drug use other than for medical reasons. Anyone who associates with me on these forums do not participate in any illegal activities either. This is simply for fun, so get off our backs!


Well-Known Member
well have u got any jiffy pellets?
Oh, Thats a great idea. No, I don't have any. I should get some huh. Even for my others because when its time to transplant, it helps prevent shock. Also its great for vegatation/root.

I actually have never used it, a buddy has. Have you used it? Good Results?

I am glad you mentioned that, I probably would of never thought of it. Thanks man


Well-Known Member

Wasn't a seedling. I germinated them really nice, I am talking about a few days of growth, so it actually had the first lil set of leafs.

Even though, thats just as weird as what you said, and I am wondering myself. To me, it seems like it was uprooted bye someone, or something.

But, None of my friends know I grow. So I am just confused at this point. I put it in some root solution and hoping it makes it. Even though its not too big of a deal if it doesn't make it, because it was only at the starting stages.


Well-Known Member
Just replant and put soil up to leaves.. One thought.. When something happens to a plant, don't start throwing shit at it.. I've never understood the "my plant fell, tilted, is weird, ...etc" then people start watering, nuting and adding every thing they've read about in the past 100 years.. something happens you stop.. find problem and target it.... People have this head space where more water/nutes will cure all.. when in reality its not true..usually more water means water od..just like more nutes ends up burning shit out of plant.. then you get a circular thing..nute..shit burn...flush ..shit water OD....etc
A plant falls over because its top heavy..too much stretch is usually problem.. pile up dirt, or repot, up to bottom leaves.. a splash of water..thats it..wait and watch.. Luck..


Well-Known Member
Thanks twisty.

I hear what you mean dont throw shit at em. Thats the last thing you would want to do if you yourself got injured.

The only thing I did, was give it some root solution because I figured if I was going to do anything, that would be the best thing to do.

So, you think I should forget about that, and replant it?

The reason why I went for the root solution, is it really didn't have much of a root system because it was so small, and I didn't think putting it back in the soil would do too much good. So I figure if I got some roots going, then I could put it back in the soil.

Thanks for your input. And happy Thanksgiving
i know this post is old, but i cant even stress how identical the same situation just happened to me today. did your plant end up growing?