Help plant spots


Active Member
hi everyone this 3 week plant and it has like brown and yellow spots on mostly all the leaves i dont know what it is i havent fed it nutrients anymore i fed once about 1week and a half ago a lil bit and it burnt some leaves so i stopped and its not light burn using cfls and their not touching so i dont know what the problem is please help.



Well-Known Member
What kind of nut do u use?! I think u didnt pay attention of your Ph soil
What your ph tester show?!


Active Member
botanicare pure blend grow and liquid karma but that was only once and it said 7.5 is ph and ppm is 400


Well-Known Member
are u feeding them full strength? are u spraying them with anything? i.e. water, grow spray, anything? do u notice any small buggs crawling around anywhere under in the leaves and stems? they wold be a pain to see if u dont know what ur looking for.


Active Member
7.5 is a tad bit on the alkaline side. From my understanding you want your PH to between 6 and 7. What type of soil are you using? It looks like you are using straight perlite. I would try flushing it with R/O water and some clearex. After that, I would make sure you balance your nute solution before you feed your plants and always always use R/O.


Active Member
no i stopped cause when i fed the first time it burnt them about a week and a half ago and no its clean but i think the ph is to high its 7.5 but i dont have any ph lower any ideas on anything else i can use to lower it


Active Member
7.5 is a tad bit on the alkaline side. From my understanding you want your PH to between 6 and 7. What type of soil are you using? It looks like you are using straight perlite. I would try flushing it with R/O water and some clearex. After that, I would make sure you balance your nute solution before you feed your plants and always always use R/O.
yea but i dont have any thing to lower it with now and na im not tryn to feed them yet.and dont have clearex


Active Member
7.5 is way to high. you want it at 5.8- 6.3. get a ph kit, with drops ph-up and down. It's only about 17$ and it will last you awhile. Good luck, jethead


Active Member
yea but i dont have any thing to lower it with now and na im not tryn to feed them yet.and dont have clearex
Use straight R/O water from a water store. that'll be your best bet. make sure you always water with clean R/O water. The reason for this is that the PH of R/O water is neutral (7.0) each full point increase is equal to 1000 times increase of acidtiy or alkalinity. Water with nothing but R/O making sure that you get excess drainage out your drip pan. After the soil dries then feed according to your directions feed only once per week and water alternately.

Well-Known Member
Dude your plant needs some food big time... it is definitely lacking some N (wheres the lush green?) and probably some other elements causing the leaf spotting. The new leaves coming in look fine but feed that plant!!



Well-Known Member
Looks like you're growing in straight perlite,(and maybe vermiculite) to me, which tells me you've tried to tackle something that you weren't prepared for. You're basically growing hydro, and if I were you, I'd be looking at some journals from guys growing in hempy buckets(straight perlite, and maybe some vermiculite), and see how it's done. That thing is in rough shape bro, you need some serious adjustments to your routine....


Well-Known Member
^Not dissin ya or anything, I just want to recommend going with soil, til ya get the hang of things, because it's the most forgiving of mediums. It leaves alot more room for mistakes, than the rest, which is a good thing, because you ARE going to make mistakes, that's inevitable. Even the best of us, have made plenty, especially when starting out.

Also, don't need any sort of 'super soil', just pick out some potting soil, and that'll work fine. My main sugestion, is too add some perlite, til you have at least a %10 'perlite to soil' ratio. I shoot for about 15%, and it works great. You have lots of leeway, too, so don't worry about being real precise. More, is better than not enough, you're soil will just dry out a little faster.

One more tip,......go with bigger sized pots, if ya have the space. A 5-gallon bucket,(for the final size pots) is ideal, for most indoor situations. Yes, you can grow perfectly healthy plants, in smaller pots(I used 3 gallon pots, for a long time, with great results), but once you go bigger, and see the differences, you won't wanna switch back, unless you are growing really small plants, like going 12/12 from seed, for example. Sooooo much could be said, but I'm getting hungry, so that's enough for now.haha :wink: