HELP!! plant looks wrong all of a sudden!!!


Hi all, I need some advice fast!! first time growing and I am scared my girls are dying!! 2wkes and t6 days into flowering and they were looking so great until yesterday i noticed all the lower leaves were drooping. i have been watering a good amount every other day but just the last three days have been giving small extra spurts of water.. using FF ocean forest and my nute schedule is as follows:
2TBS big bloom, 1 1/2 tsp tiger bloom mixed into 1 gallon of distilled i said, i was feeding every other i lifted the potteres and they felt light so then i thought im under watering!!!! i don't know what to do???? HELP....see pics!!!



Well-Known Member
whats your soil/water ph? cut back on the feeding to, seems like a bit much for every other day.


Active Member
pots are deffinately too small but i dont think thats what your prob is. i think its a nutrient problem either too much or not enough. good lookin plant tho otherwise.


Well-Known Member
I would invest in a ph meter their like 10 bucks. Mattman is right about watering, every other day seems a bit much espically if your hitting them with those kind of nutes everytime. I would flush and cut back on how frequent you give them nutes to avoid that salt build up. As for the pots, you can grow in small pots but larger are better if your setup allows for bigger pots I would go for it


Well-Known Member
try putting some cfl's down in the lower leaf canopy and see if they don't perk up. they may not. i've seen it go either way.


Thanks for the replies!! I am using FF ocean forest and i should specify about my watering. I am mixing the nutes in 1 gallon of water and watering them both with that gallon, but i never empty the full gallon during the watering day, maybe 1/4 gallon each. earlier i read to pick up the pots and see if they feel light vs. heavy (the heavy feeling they would have full of water). when i lifted....they were totally light!!! i think this could be an under-watering situation....i'm hoping!! another thing, i noticed that the soil was completely dry on the bottom ( i stuck my fingers into that drainage openings and it was totally dry).


also, the drooping is really bad on the bottom, not so much on 3rd pic shows the worst of it. thank you for this help!!! i need it!


Well-Known Member
you should pour the water in untill some starts leaking out the bottom! also make sure there not a thin gap all away around the edge of pot where the soil has shrunk back, if there is just run your finger around the edge of soil to fill in. the bottom of the plant usually droops first when they need watered.


Well-Known Member
it could be due to underwatering.. if you have a pot that small, and your roots are filling it up, chances are its just soaking up the water faster.. see what happens with a little extra water... if thats the issue.. should perk right back up.


Well-Known Member
ok what happens to root bond plants. the roots grow around each other so tight the middel dont get water. once you let it dry out. kind of like peat moss. when its to dry it repels the water. but it will also hold all the water if youget it to wet. the midel never drys out. next time you harvest. take a rootball and put it water for two days. then take it out let it sit in your grow room for a day and cut it in half. youll get a good indea what i mean. also let one dry out and see how long it takes to sink in a tub of water. i always trans plant before flowering and top dress at least 2 inchs. it helps alot. but never let them get that root bond trans planting wont help. i always cut my root balls just to look i found a grub on time i was wondering what the prob was. you can learn alot even after you harvest.


I have only used the FF ocean forest.... then i started added the nutes mentioned above a couple days into flowering. I am in 3 1/4 gallon pots, which looking back i wish i had transplanted into 5 gallons (i'm scared to do anything now, considering i'm seeing such beautiful flowering)...i have just been trying to keep it simple since this is my first time. i gave the girls a good watering, with/out nutes (after reading about feeling the weight of the pots) today, so we'll you guys think that was ok?


Well-Known Member
sounds like you are on your way to understanding what your girls need hindy. it's a learning experience, and with bigger pots and a bit less watering (both ideas you have down already) it should be a fantastic grow next time around, and a substantial yield this time for you. happy growing!


Ian, thank you for the encouraging words! do you think i have done major damage if i'm wrong on the under-watering? what if i have over watered, and i watered again today, have i just ruined my fruits of labor :) i only have the two plants and have been trying so hard to follow the instructions i've read.
just trying to be prepared....of course any other advise is much appreciated!!!


Well-Known Member
you should definitely repot into larger pots. I have seen that problem consistently when plants get too big for their containers. I would bet that the lower leaves will start to yellow and appear to be a nitrogen or sulfur deficiency. That is from roots wrapping around each other and strangling out the oxygen throughout the potting medium. roots pots or smart pots work great for allowing plants to get larger without the root damaging consequences of similarly sized plastic pots (or pots that aren't breathable in general). They do this by air pruning the roots. this will also help your plants to get wider as hormones are released from the root tips to growth shoots.


you think i should replant into larger pots now? tomorrow will be a full three weeks into flowering and there are beautiful flowers growing all over! i am worried that i will stress the plant out or cause it to go hermie. is this a risk?


Well-Known Member
from what i've seen them being root bound is way more stressful for them. it restricts new root growth when it is critical for flower mass. From what i've seen the bigger the roots the higher the yield.

just be as careful as you can. Or keep running them how they are and just try in bigger pots next time. I like to think about gardening as art. This work of art you are creating might not be perfect this time, but you are learning to shape the canvas and create. That is what is great about the experience. You will get to grow again so if it isn't perfect this time just try to learn.

I would transplant, but don't give yourself too much stress of anxiety over it. If you are super worried ride it out and see what happens.


Thanks Gaia's Grower!! i really appreciate the advice! if the leaves perk up tomorrow, should i chalk it up to under-watering? they are about 43" tall and in 3 gallon pots...what would you recommended transplanting them into , 5 gallons?? do i transplant them the same way i did from veg to flower mode? sorry for all the questions, just don't want the last 7 weeks to go completely down the drain.