HELP Plant Leaves Problem, Heat Stress/Nute Burn or some deficiency ? HD pictures


Hello there guys

I was wondering if you could share your experience on helping me out determinate whats going on with my auto blueberry.

I have 6 mother plants composed of White Whidow and White Rhinos, and ONE Auto-blueberry (top right).


All my plants are looking healthy, except the delicious blueberry, for some apparent reason it has this leaves issues, notice its flowering on day 40 (aproximately 25-30 days until harvest).

Its true this plant grew faster than the rest and therefore it was closer to the lights and 4 days ago I entered the room to a bending plant (trying to escape from heat, since that day I appreciated something wasnt normal on leaves) but since then it seems its gotten worst (more visible) even though I lifted the light to what I consider shouldnt be burning her. so Im stuck thinking if this actually was light burn (which somehow gets more visible after a few days) Or if im nute burning it ? (or any deficiency).

My PPM is 1450 (but the other plants seem to do ok with it). Im growing hydroponically

PH: 5.9-6.3 (last 2 wanterings I probably had them at 6.4)


Temps: 82 degrees

Please help

NOTICE:the botton 2 leaves (the oldest) have turned yellowish.

Thanks so much


So even if the other plants look healthy and have no trouble it could be nutrient lock still ? Also, I noticed leaves changed into almost a silverish look the same day I found my plants bending down (too close to the light) as soon as I lifted up the lights the leaves stood up again. That silverish colours have turned more brown now after 3 days which is what can be seen on the pictures, I normally have my ph around 6.0, but I made 2 waterings with what I believe was 6.3-6.4. Thank you


Well-Known Member
no problem, and remember don't just take my word (or for that matter anybody in here) as 110% built proof truth, take every thing with a gram of salt so to speak, but I notice your PH and if your in some kind of hydro/soilless medium 6,4 is way to high 5,8 is more like it, maybe 6 in flowering and never over 6,2 but agin could be many things, if it is light you leaf`s could be damages and will not recover, look at the new growth if that have the same problem of look healthy, if it is nuts lock out, it can happen to one strain and one plant and not so much to the others, atleast not yet, get back on 5,8 and see if it solve the problem, normally light green grow is a sign of nitrogen deficiency either by lock out of lack of nitrogen or lack of Mg to take up the nitrogen ..


blueberry is one of the harder strains to grow u know that eh? Its very picky with nutes n shit. Give it a flush and try to go organic with it.