Hey all, so I have been searching far and wide to figure out what is wrong with my flowering blue mystic plant. I am 5 weeks into flower. Initially, the plant had all these dark orange dots, and I thought it might have been rust. So I did the foliage baking soda spray with a hint of detergent(unscented Castile), which is the treatment many recommended for “rust” fungi. That didn’t work, so I thought maybe magnesium deficiency, treated with Epsom salt through roots. That didn’t help, so I did a flush for 3 days thinking maybe it was nute lockout. This seemed to make the problem worse, and now I have multiple plants that look like this. Does anybody have a clue what this is? Please help!! Everything was going perfectly until this. I’m not sure but it seems to be spreading to the other plants little by little. Also, whatever the case may be, is it possible for the buds to be okay?