HELP! Plant is hurting! PIX


Well-Known Member
Okay, I am on my 6th week outdoors. I wasn't feeding or watering my plant for the the first 4-5 weeks other than by letting it get rained on. The bottom leaves began yellowing, so I started to water it with distilled water with a pH of 6. The leaves began to come back and as they were almost green, began to yellow again. So, I thought maybe I should feed it. I bought some Vigoro 12-10-5 for it, and fed it a small portion yesteerday, only to come out today and see this. Any advice as to what I should do from here would be greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
I'm no expert so wait to see what others have to say but it looks like your chlorosis problem (yellowing of leaf caused by a lack of chlorophyll) might be due to a number of possible suspects: poor drainage, damaged or compacted roots, high pH, and/or nutrient deficiencies. Usually nutrient deficiences are caused by improper pH.

Having said that - it does appear that the yellowing is mostly on the lower leaves/older growth which can be a sign of nitrogen (N) deficiency. Growing hydroponically, this usually means the pH is too high but you're in soil so you might want to wait and see what soil-growers have to say about this.

Sorry i can't be more help :-( and I hope you nurse them back to health!


Well-Known Member
ifthats 4 to 5 weeks even though the plant is very small its normal for the bottom leaves to do that they get old and die how big is the pot? get it in a 3 to 5 gallon with fox farms ocean forest trans plant asap it should get alot bigger

Weed Guy

Master Roller
Is that snow or sand if snow it might be too cold. If not it might not have enough nutes, what soil was it?


Well-Known Member
No, not snow. The soil was in a bag behind my house when I bought it. I used what was left and threw the bag out so I have no idea what brand/make it is. The pot is only about 5" across and 6" deep. I will go get a larger pot and new soil. What ferts should I use, or is the Vigoro fine?


Well-Known Member
Just went and bought some soil and repotted the plant. Sure enough, the roots were all the way at the bottom of the pot. Hopefully it will take to the new pot and come back to health.