Help plant hermed!!


I need to know what to do next guys. I have 7 plants in a 4x4 tent under a 1000 watt light. 2 Crimea blues, one bubba Kush, 3 purple haze and one Grapegod. The Grapegod is on it's 4th week of flower and I found a male flower in it only one. Should I chop it should I put it outside. It has visible trichs. What is my best option? Please help guys.

smokey green

Active Member
well if your in the 4th week of flower its probably to late....It is an actual flower that has opened right? If so,theres probably not a whole lot you can do this point you should see seed production (this is only from my experiance with hermies). My hermies always show'd pollen sacs during about the second week of flower and during the 4th week I would notice seed production...Check this plant and see if you see any more male flowers. Are the yellow bananas still attached too the flower, If so, wet your fingers and very carfully pinch the flower pulling it off and get it to hell out of the room..... If there is just a dried up clear looking shell then the damge is done my friend....good luck


Well the male flower was still green when I pulled it off. I just chopped the plant n will use it for edibles or something. Thanks for the response always good to see that people care.


Also u have mass cloned this bitches mom. I have the most clones of her should I bypass flowering her because of this trait that she showed or you guy think it's ok to flower her along with other plants?


Well-Known Member
bah, thats nothing. Dont freak out. Go and buy some dutchmasters reverse and saturator and pick off the male flower and check thoroughly everyday(as well as do a very thorough search now), if it starts making more hermie parts spray with the reverse, problem solved.( you could seperate the hermie from the others if you want to be on the safe side, but as long as you check good and dont find any i wouldnt worry about it yet. if i saw more forming i would though).

smokey green

Active Member
Well the male flower was still green when I pulled it off. I just chopped the plant n will use it for edibles or something. Thanks for the response always good to see that people care.
Ahhh you got lucky then....If it was green yet then you were ok....You should have let it go a bit because of the clones, that way you could have watched for more flowers... If you thoroughly inspected the plant with a fine tooth comb and found no other male parts, then Id say keep the clones because for one male flower in the 4th week thats still green isnt really all that bad, but if there were more that you didnt catch....well then thats a differant story....did the clones root and take hold yet? If their still young, Id consider pitching them....Its really up to you, If you can afford to chuck them and start fresh, I would really consider that option, If not, Just watch for that lil sunuma bitchin pollen sac in the 2nd or 3rd week of flower to appear and yank him off....good luck


Plants have a tendency to Hermie due to some form of stress. If you took cuttings from her prior to her stress, then the cuts will have the DNA of the mother prior to herm'ing.


Well-Known Member
if it herms get rid of it....its in the genetics more can spray all kinds of shit on your plant and try to re-write the genetics....but your better off just finding a straight up female (not hard at all), im my current garden, i had all my fem seeds hermi, all my regulars have not...needless to say im done with fem seeds (after 3-4 years).. the 4 ft tall plants you see me burning only had 1 pollen sac on them, other than that beautiful females....some would say just pluck it and let it go...but the fact of the matter is the plant is a hermi, and so will the clones, im baked, good luck


Yea I'm pretty scared to flower the clones. When the original mother sprouted she was born all weird n deformed I had done some reading about that and I found that seeds that sprout with a deformity have tendency to herm. As it grew it looked less and less deformed leading me to believe that it was ok to clone her. Them when she got female preflowers I thought I was in the clear so I started mass cloning the bitch. Everything was looking great til yesterday that I looked at her and found the herm. Anyways. She's dead now n Im trying not to worry to hard about my next op. I think imma bypass flowering them tho. It's gonna b my first larger grow op n I don't wanna mess it up. Oh and yes the other Grapegod clones I have are fully rooted vegging right now. They look like awesome plants but like I said idk if they will herm again. Check out my videos on YouTube guys. You'll see the Grapegod n how good it was looking It's the most recent videos where my flowering plants and vegging plants are. Thank again guys I love all this input n I love talking weed.

smokey green

Active Member
if it herms get rid of it....its in the genetics more can spray all kinds of shit on your plant and try to re-write the genetics....but your better off just finding a straight up female (not hard at all), im my current garden, i had all my fem seeds hermi, all my regulars have not...needless to say im done with fem seeds (after 3-4 years).. the 4 ft tall plants you see me burning only had 1 pollen sac on them, other than that beautiful females....some would say just pluck it and let it go...but the fact of the matter is the plant is a hermi, and so will the clones, im baked, good luck
Thats how I feel about fem seeds hell with them, I ordered some one time.... had 5 out of six hermi....


Well-Known Member
Thats how I feel about fem seeds hell with them, I ordered some one time.... had 5 out of six hermi....
word, there is a hand full of strains you can only get in femd form that i dont mind rollin the dice on, cause it is possible to get a good female, i did 2 of my femd OG Kush from Reserva Privada and 1 is showing hermi, the other is lookin good so far but wouldnt be supprised if it hermd in couple weeks