(HELP) Plant Growth / Btm Leaves Wilt


Active Member
Hey guys, second grow op here, not sure if anyone remembers my first grow, but it couldnt have turned out better, thanks to RIU. One of my plants has a wierd grow goin on, the top fan leaves are deformed. Also, almost all plants, the bottom set of leaves are either brown wilted and dead, or turning yellow. There is nothing i am doing that is fixing it. They get plenty of FLA sun, plenty of water, and small portion of nutes (1 time, MG Plant Food. If anyone can help, please do- i would like to save as many as possible

The one above is the plant with the strange growth

^^^^^^Wilted Bottom Leaves

^^^Somewhat strange, fat leaves?

Again if anyone can help that would be awesome. Idk why the one has the little growth on the leaves, but seems to be healthy (other than the bottom leaves), and the last pic the leaves are unusually fat.


Seems normal top up with some soil ad a little nutrient water well you might wanna check the ph of your soil. they don't look to bad .


Active Member
most of the plants, the bottom set of leaves wilted and fell off. just curious also, what the growth is on that one?


Active Member
again, its obviously out side, under the sun...
everyone tells me to adjust me light n shit.

what causes the bottom leaves to wilt, and whats with the deformation?