Help Plant got ate


Active Member
Hey guys gotta a problem hoping you can give some input gotta a kalichakra thats a mont away from being harvested unfortunately cat got in the room and chewed off top bud was wondering will this cause plant to die or hermie and are there any problems i should prepare for it's still very preemie so cutting down now would be waste of time thanks


Active Member
sorry no dont have a web cam basically was top part of cola bit it smooth off still a good portion of the cola left just wondering if it's going to die or what


Well-Known Member
it should be ok jus cut it clean were ur cat bit it of, but as ur in flower this may have stressed it a bit so jus wait an see


Well-Known Member
Clean the area were it was bitten for sure!! Believe it or not cats are dirty fuckes! andy bite or srcatch from a cat will get infected cause their clws and mouths are full of bacteria! your plant should bounce back!