help planning my new rooms


So I've got a new house and have to set up my new rooms. I've got a 6x 15 area to work with. I'd like two rooms, one veg one flower. What are some suggestions for dividing up the space. I'm also planning on getting new lights as this is a permanent move so I welcome comments on that as well. Height is 6.5... thanks for helping me brain storm.


So I was thinking two 5x6 rooms with dual 600w lumateck Digitals in each. Is there much value in making one room bigger for the flowering room, and the smaller for Veg.


Active Member
My thoughts: Twin 6x6x6.5 flower rooms. Leaves 6x3x6.5 of space for mothering, cloning, slight vegging and storage/trim area. The twin flower rooms allow to veg for the correct amount of time to fill the canopy before beginning flower. This way you could have a mature crop every 4-6 weeks once you get the bugs worked out. Lighting for the 6x6 spaces should undoubtably be 1000 watters.


Archie22, you really think a single 1000w will be better than the dual 600w. I was thinking I could get much better coverage with the duals better light dispersement for the whole room. On a side note I have a cloning room already set up outside of this area. If I do 6x6 rooms what to you think I can fit in there during flowering 5gal pots? I will include pictures of this build as I go along.