Help pictures included


Well-Known Member
Looks like a few issues to me.

The leaf roll over looks to be like it's trying to shade its self.

The clawing can be nitrogen related or over watered. Possibly both.

The werid leaf development and purple stems are an indicator of calmag problems.

Before picking picking which one to attack first. Can you provide the following.

Medium make up
Lighting and hanging distances
Nutrients mix.


New Member
Looks like a few issues to me.

The leaf roll over looks to be like it's trying to shade its self.

The clawing can be nitrogen related or over watered. Possibly both.

The werid leaf development and purple stems are an indicator of calmag problems.

Before picking picking which one to attack first. Can you provide the following.

Medium make up
Lighting and hanging distances
Nutrients mix.
Light it’s all the way to the top of my 4x4
I’ll post a picture
I used organic
I’m new to this but I will give you the info


Well-Known Member
Well you're down to nutrient issues Inc Calmag and over watering.

When watering you should wait for the medium to dry out some what. Not Sahara desert dry obviously. Weight is a good indicator as mentioned previously. Water when they feel light. Medium should crumble in to darker bits when you rake the top of the medium with you're fingers (should do this every other day as it helps with airation. It also stops the soil from forming a crust slowing water soak in to the medium and stopping it running down the sides of the container and out the bottom.) It should also feel cool and slightly damp before watering again.

You shouldn't need to mist unless you're foliar feeding as this can also attribute to over watering as the plant expells water during the night period and relies on evaporation to do so. If you've misted the plant and wet the stomarta this water has to evalorate first before the plant can begin to transpire. Thus attributing to overwatering.

Next thing is what nutrients are you feeding them and at what strengths. I think there's a definate Calmag issue based on the purple stems and werid wrinkled growth.


New Member
Well you're down to nutrient issues Inc Calmag and over watering.

When watering you should wait for the medium to dry out some what. Not Sahara desert dry obviously. Weight is a good indicator as mentioned previously. Water when they feel light. Medium should crumble in to darker bits when you take the top with you're fingers. It should also feel cool and slightly damp before watering again.

You shouldn't need to mist unless you're foliar feeding as this can also attribute to over watering as the plant expells water during the night period and relies on evaporation to do so. If you've misted the plant and wet the stomarta this water has to evalorate first before the plant can begin to transpire. Thus attributing to overwatering.

Next thing is what nutrients are you feeding them and at what strengths. I think there's a definate Calmag issue based on the purple stems and werid wrinkled growth.
Ok I completely understand now everything was looking great until I seen yellow tip on leave and my dumb Ass decided to flush last night and woke up to curly leaves
Should I feed it nutrients or cal mag. Is it ready to flower been veg for 8 weeks

I have her on 24 hour Light



New Member
Well you're down to nutrient issues Inc Calmag and over watering.

When watering you should wait for the medium to dry out some what. Not Sahara desert dry obviously. Weight is a good indicator as mentioned previously. Water when they feel light. Medium should crumble in to darker bits when you rake the top of the medium with you're fingers (should do this every other day as it helps with airation. It also stops the soil from forming a crust slowing water soak in to the medium and stopping it running down the sides of the container and out the bottom.) It should also feel cool and slightly damp before watering again.

You shouldn't need to mist unless you're foliar feeding as this can also attribute to over watering as the plant expells water during the night period and relies on evaporation to do so. If you've misted the plant and wet the stomarta this water has to evalorate first before the plant can begin to transpire. Thus attributing to overwatering.

Next thing is what nutrients are you feeding them and at what strengths. I think there's a definate Calmag issue based on the purple stems and werid wrinkled growth.
I’m using hydrophonic but I used half of what it says to add cuz I was afraid to feed I’m on week 8 th veg how much should I add or each
Cal mag


Well-Known Member
Right you definitely need to let her dry out. If you have got yellow tip and claw you have over fed her. Flushing may over been over kill and you could of just given her water for a feed or two to dilute her out.

You in coco or soil?


New Member
Right you definitely need to let her dry out. If you have got yellow tip and claw you have over fed her. Flushing may over been over kill and you could of just given her water for a feed or two to dilute her out.

You in coco or soil?
I’m in soil of flushing it’s bad ? Damn I’m scared to loose my baby


Well-Known Member
Your using hydroponic nutrients in soil?

Also as regards to flushing it's neither here or there now. Just let her dry out before you do anything else.