Help pics of grow yellowing wilty


SSHAZE 1.jpgSSHAZE2.jpgSSHAZE LST TOP.jpgSSHAZE LST TOP2.jpgdoes this look wilted.jpgis this wilted2.jpgSSHAZE whats this.jpgSSHAZE yellowing leaves.jpgSSHAZE yellowing help.jpg

##So my 2 SUPER SILVER HAZE are 45 days old and looking wilted and some leaves yellowing. Notice where I'm tying LST and how I've topped. Input?
##Do they look wilted to you also? And what about the yellowing thats been popping up past few days?
##Any ideas on the one held on my fingers? why is part of leaf missing?
##400wMH organic premix M3 MICHIGAN MADE MIX.
##These 2 SSHAZE came home as clones on August 3rd.SUPER SILVER HAZE 2 1 week.jpgSUPER SILVER HAZE.jpg like this.

##Im talking to someone from my cultication school about doing a house call to evaluate my babies. What you all think is up with these. They can be brought back right?

scotty bagmonster

Active Member
PH your run off looks like lock out !!!with heat stress added to the picture ! get a ph dropper kit asap!!!! they are cheap 5-10 bucks U.S.


## The small ones are the same 2 SSHAZE plants back on August 3rd when i got them. After I water, with r/o water, i come back to empty the run so it doesnt get root rot.

## I did get a PH tester and up,down kit but the PH is perfect on all 8. between 6.5-7. Thats good tight. I got one of those double prong probes and it says push it int to root level and read. So if its not PH what else could it be?

## Could the roots be out of room after vegging since August 3 (47 days). Whats longest you would veg the SSHAZE? (as long as I can save them)

## other six plants are younger and of different ages

##So here are the new pics. More yellowing

What the HELL