Help! pH, Defiency, or Burning!

So I transplanted these from cups of dirt to expanded clay in net pots/5 gallon buckets w/sprinkler heads in the bases 10 day ago BUT starting about 5 days ago there's been a variety of symptoms w/some of the plants perfect but the rest showing a mix of different problem- some of them with the leaf tips curved up & blackened (Magnesium?) but lots w/their older leaves wilting & yellow in the ones closer to their bases (phosphorus?).

& there's all this beautiful new root growth coming out the bottom of the nets now.... but the pH was at 8 when the problems started so I've brought that down & things seem to not be getting worse, they're in solution of 400ppm standard/generic nutrient mix & they're all Blue Indica Clones from the same mother (I'll bring up the guys still in cups some other time >_< ) so I'm just curious & would be CRAZY GRATEFUL for whatever opinion onto to do next you pros can lend me.

Danke Schön!

I'll amend this when I can get to a computer that lets me upload images... I guess the main question until then is if I'm getting inconsistent nutrient problems in plants all circulating in the same system is that sign of a pH problem and how long should it take to tell? Thanks!



Well-Known Member
There could be soil mixing in the system from the cups of soil you started them in, next time rw cubes for hydro.
How are those? Those are the 3 flavors of problems I'm facing- up turned tips, yellow leaves & horriffic brown patches on the two largest plants :(
Yeah, they were purchased @ 8" tall in cups- fifteen flavors of paranoid about the soil already but I've started another set of clones off an indica mother plant in rockwool with mixed success, really counting on these not to die in the mean time... thanks for the quick response dude.
They're pretty hurt, but bring your ph to 5.5 and you might be able to save them...I'm guessing some soil contaminated your system causing the ph to creep.
Ah! "might"!? Thanks, that word scares me b/c some of them look great, but yeah I'll drop it, but pH is the likely problem right? Vs. adding more or less nut?
Yes, if your ph was up around 8 then EVERYTHING besides Nitrogen and Magnesium has (possibly) been locked out. Set it to 5.5, let it drift to 6.0, and then reset it back down to want some drift, but never above 6.2 (in hydroponics) IMHO. Best of luck!


Well-Known Member
damn, i feel your pain. looks real bad. i remember seeing a good article on different plant problems with pics and solutions. don't remember where, but you may find it on google.
Ah man,I didn't think it was that bad before- so many plants have died so far in figuring this out you would not believe >_< but yeah I've been going through a bunch of those guides & came here looking for a 2nd opinion, I take comfort in the new growth looking healthy & I read on a different forum some leaf die off is normal' how true would you say that is?

plus bring the pH down from 8 to 6 (that creeps to 7) has already stop them from getting worse the last few days, here's hoping 5.5 to 6 helps them get better..
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It's possible for some leaves to die off when the plant gets larger, but they should be few and far between...anything shaded/under the main canopy will most likely die off, but you should clean that stuff out before it ever gets to that point.